Mr. McIver brings a wealth of experience in economic policy analysis. Mr. McIver is well known as the former Chief Economist at Sun Life of Canada. For the past three years he has been the Director of Business Research for the Conference Board of Canada, guiding the research programs into developments in the financial sector. Mr. McIver’s latest focus has been the evolution of economic and financial integration in North America.
In his role as president of the Ottawa branch of the Canadian Association for Business Economics, Mr. McIver organised and served as chair of two national policy conferences—the most recent examining increasing North American integration. Mr. McIver has also recently authored several research papers, published by the Conference Board, on issues related to monetary union and international economic conditions.
In 1978 Mr. McIver joined Sun Life of Canada as an economic analyst and was appointed Chief Economist in 1984 a position he held until 1998. Since that time he has remained very active in the financial sector as Financial Affairs Advisor for the Canadian Bankers Association, and Senior Research Associate at the Conference Board of Canada.
In 2003 he returned to Canada from a one-year engagement in South America where he assisted the Guyanese private sector in the development of a research team to address the urgent policy needs of the business community. He served as AIMS’ Director of Research from 2003 to 2004.
He has also served on boards or committees of a number of highly respected organizations including Toronto Association of Business Economists, Canadian Journal of Business Economics, Toronto Board of Trade and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and has held memberships in the National Association of Business Economists and Washington Economics Club in the United States
Mr. McIver attended Concordia University in Montreal acquiring a BA Honours Economics in 1978 and an MA Economics in 1979.
- Robbing Peter to Pay…Peter? Equalization Inequalities
- First Things First: Why tax reform must begin with spending restraint
- The 99% Solution: How globalization makes everybody’s income a little more equal
- Nova Scotians Without Borders: Why economic and industrial development strategies should refocus on people rather than regions
- Who Could Have Seen THAT Coming?: The History and Consequences of Global Crisis
- Perspectives, Perceptions and Priorities
- Do it yourself budgeting
- An Atlantic Canadian Perspective on The Drummond Report
- AIMS Submission to the House of Commons respecting CETA Negotiations
- Careless Intentions: Regional Consequences of National Policies
- Selling Ourselves on Self-Interest
- Till the End of Time
- Sticky Fingers: How governments cling to transfer payments
- You CAN Get There From Here: How Ottawa can put Atlantic Canada on the road to prosperity
- The City on the Bill: Municipal services of the future