February 2017
The 2016 census
By WENDELL COX (Principal of Demographia) • New Geography, 14 February 2017 Statistics Canada has just announced population counts from the 2016 census and the narrative is all about the Prairie Provinces. Alberta, Saskatchewan and [...]
Immigration is the only way to reverse Atlantic Canada’s population decline
Globe and Mail quoting AIMS President Marco Navarro-Génie By John Ibbitson • The Globe and Mail, 08 February 2017 Whatever will become of Atlantic Canada? The first release of 2016 census data reveals that the [...]
NowNS: Nova Scotia good news worth talking about
News article mentioning AIMS study Seven Habits of Highly Effective First Nations • Chronicle Herald, 07 February 2017 The dramatic, doomsday headlines stick out in a reader’s memory and too often those stories of economic [...]
Radio: Atlantic Canada’s House Prices
Ballooning house prices are bad news for the middle class and young families in Canada's big cities. A new AIMS study, comparing incomes with housing prices, shows that homes in Vancouver and Toronto [...]
January 2017
Embracing seniority with new vision
By DAVID ZITNER (AIMS Senior Fellow) • Chronicle Herald, 31 January 2017 My welcome to medical care for seniors helps me understand what some people mean when they say “I’m not getting older. I’m getting [...]
Radio: Supply Management
Canada's dairy, egg, and poultry industries are governed by supply management, which restricts production, controls prices, and restricts imports. This arrangement is bad for consumers, who pay high prices for staple foods without [...]