May 2017
How to Resolve Health Care Controversies
By DAVID ZITNER (AIMS Senior Fellow) Ordinary citizens are stuck without the information necessary to make personal and political choices about health care. About half of government program spending is on health care. Yet, no one [...]
Alex Whalen on the Sheldon MacLeod Show: AIMS Platform for NS
On May 19, 2017, AIMS Operations Manager Alex Whalen joined the Sheldon MacLeod Show on News 95.7 FM to discuss his latest paper, AIMS Platform for Nova Scotia.
Radio: AIMS Platform for Nova Scotia
During the provincial election campaign, political parties in Nova Scotia presented their policy platforms, which detailed a governing agenda for the next four years. For the first time, the Atlantic Institute for [...]
AIMS Platform: entrepreneurship critical to NS economic growth
HALIFAX, NS – Today, the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) released its Platform for Nova Scotia. This document outlines a series of implementable policy proposals for the province’s next government. The recommendations cover all [...]
The Lost Food Generation
By SYLVAIN CHARLEBOIS (Senior Fellow) Most generations shaped their own food destiny, while Gen Xers just took what was available to them, without discriminating. Along the way, they became the lost food generation. Generation Xers don’t [...]
Platform for Nova Scotia
This Spring, the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) surveyed dozens of leading minds in Nova Scotia about the province’s future. Respondents discussed their concerns about Nova Scotia, including low growth, decaying public institutions, [...]