August 2017
New Brunswickers pay higher prices at the pumps than other Canadians, report says
CBC NB published an article Saturday on AIMS' new gas regulation study, quoting AIMS president Marco Navarro-Genie. From the article: "The institute found that Atlantic Canadians are paying more at the pumps than other Canadians. In New [...]
Gas Study Mentioned in 919 The Bend
AIMS' 2017 gas regulation study and President Marco Navarro-Genie were mentioned in an article by Moncton's 919 The Bend on Friday.
Rock Lobster
By SYLVAIN CHARLEBOIS (AIMS Senior Fellow) Troy Media,14 August 2017 Let’s face it: lobsters are not easy on the eyes. The first person to discover that these hideous crustaceans were edible deserves a medal or [...]
Telegraph-Journal Reports on New Gas Study
On Thursday the NB Telegraph-Journal reported on AIMS' new study on gas price regulation, What's Still Missing from Your Wallet?, quoting author and AIMS President Marco Navarro-Genie.
AIMS Report Mentioned in Global News
In a report by Global News on Thursday, AIMS' recent study on gas price regulation was featured, with a quote from Marco Navarro-Genie. The report also mentions the 2015 Nova Scotia gas shortage as a [...]
Reconsidering Gasoline Price-Fixing for Atlantic Canada
By Marco Navarro-Génie (AIMS President and CEO) Marco Navarro-Génie is the author of the AIMS study "What's Still Missing From Your Wallet?" Troy Media,18 August 2017 Canadian Investor,21 August 2017 Even if well-intentioned, gasoline price-controlling [...]