October 2017
Tax Reform Needed … but take the time to do it right
by JOHN RISLEY (AIMS Chairman of the Board) The Telegram, 26 September 2017 Who can blame you if you are among those scratching their heads, trying to interpret the rhetoric on both sides of the [...]
September 2017
Proposed Changes to Capital Gains Rules: What About the Family Farm?
Keeping families and jobs in rural Canada is not easy. Proposed changes to capital gains rules would make it harder for a family member to keep the family farm, according to AIMS [...]
Modern Employment Insurance System
A new idea from AIMS would create a modern employment insurance system that meets the needs of workers and employers. Here’s how the new system would work: Payroll deductions would go into [...]
Tax Reform
Keeping families and jobs in rural Canada is not easy. Proposed changes to capital gains rules would make it harder for a family member to keep the family farm, according to AIMS senior [...]
Employment Insurance
A new idea from AIMS would create a modern employment insurance system that meets the needs of workers and employers. Here’s how the new system would work: Payroll deductions would go [...]
Atlantic Canadians Pay Up for “Just and Reasonable” Gas Prices
A commentary posted by the American Institute for Economic Research dedicated its article to the latest study by AIMS on gas prices in Atlantic Canada, mentioning both AIMS and author/President Marco Navarro-Génie. Read here