Does Nova Scotia stifle innovation?
Disruptors fear province doesn’t welcome new ideas
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2015-07-15T00:00:00+00:00 July 15th, 2015|In the Media|
Disruptors fear province doesn’t welcome new ideas
By Patrick Luciani| 2016-03-29T18:44:37+00:00 March 9th, 2015|Op-ed|
AIMS Senior Fellow Patrick Luciani discusses whether city rankings carry any real value when considering the wide variety of city ranking lists and their sources.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2014-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 June 18th, 2014|In the Media|
That’s too bad. Because previous studies by these same experts — Slack and Kitchen — have found that income taxes are a growing replacement for property taxes in other parts of the world, according to a 2012 paper by Juanita Spencer of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies. Spencer’s paper was one of three released by AIMS, the then Nova Scotia Chambers of Commerce and the Nova Scotia branch of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives when they jointly argued, in February, 2013, that property tax itself needs to be replaced as a way of funding municipalities.
By Marco Navarro-Génie| 2016-03-30T12:09:26+00:00 January 28th, 2014|Op-ed|
AIMS President and CEO Marco Navarro-Genie makes the case that Halifax's proposal to mandate levered handles creates potential risks for children.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2014-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 January 22nd, 2014|In the Media|
Vancouver’s recently passed legislation outlawing round doorknobs for new construction, favouring protruding levers instead, seems enlightened and compassionate toward those with limited manual dexterity such as the elderly. Coun. Jennifer Watts promises similar enlightenment for Haligonians.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2013-04-05T00:00:00+00:00 April 5th, 2013|Media Appearances|
AIMS President & CEO Charles Cirtwill and Christine Saulnier from the CCPA-NS chatted about the Nova Scotia provincial budget with Jordi Morgan on News 95.7's Maritime Morning.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2013-04-05T00:00:00+00:00 April 5th, 2013|Newsletters|
Governance in Health Care, AIMS Op-Ed: When it comes to biking, Canada isn’t Europe, Municipal taxation: Consensus grows on need for reform, Property Taxes are Flawed: A Proposed Municipal Income Tax System, MP Scott Brison- The future of Atlantic Canada: A New East Partnership, Equalize People, Not Provinces
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2013-04-02T00:00:00+00:00 April 2nd, 2013|In the Media|
In this op-ed AIMS Senior Fellow in Urban Policy asks 'Are bike lanes always a good idea and will they deliver what they promise?'
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2013-04-02T00:00:00+00:00 April 2nd, 2013|Op-ed|
Video from AIMS, CCPA-NS & NS Chambers discussion on municipal income taxes in Halifax, March 20, 2013.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2013-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 March 28th, 2013|In the Media|
Bill Black agrees with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives–Nova Scotia office, the Nova Scotia Chambers of Commerce and the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies. If you read Bill’s March 23 column, that conclusion might surprise you. Indeed, we expect it may well surprise Bill. But it is true. Let’s outline the areas of agreement.