We’re headed the wrong way
In this piece from the Globe & Mail, Brian Crowley, AIMS President and co-author of the forthcoming Definitely Not the Romanow Report: Achieving Equity, Sustainability, Accountability and Consumer Empowerment in Canadian Health Care, explains why any health-care system that makes visits to a family doctor freely available but rations high-cost treatments for life-threatening ailments has it backward. He then takes aim at the soon to be released Romanow Report: “Mr. Romanow is wedded to an old paternalistic model -- one that's been overtaken by technology and by rising public expectations. It suggests experts know best which services we should get, how much they should cost, and how long we should wait. Let's tell Canadians the truth about medicare's unsustainability and involve them in making the tough choices to ensure that medicare's best features are there when we need them.” Publication: G&M, November 22 2002