The Beacon, 3 October 2006
Read about Atlantica in the Globe and Mail; learn about the history of public sector unions in Canada; listen in on remarks to Canada's senior bureaucrats - all this and more in this edition of The Beacon.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 October 3rd, 2006|Newsletters|
Read about Atlantica in the Globe and Mail; learn about the history of public sector unions in Canada; listen in on remarks to Canada's senior bureaucrats - all this and more in this edition of The Beacon.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 September 5th, 2006|In the Media|
In this column published in the Calgary Herald, Todd Hirsch endorses AIMS Special Equalization Series particularly with its solution for non-renewable resource revenues.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 July 28th, 2006|In the Media|
When BC Premier Gordon Campbell suggested at the recent Premier's meeting to address the fiscal imbalance by relieving the tax burden, the Telegraph-Journal reporter covering the meeting knew exactly where to go for insightful comment. Fiscal imbalance is a topic AIMS has researched extensively.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 July 28th, 2006|In the Media|
This article in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal provides details of the third installment in AIMS' Special Commentary Series on Equalization. The 100 Percent Solution suggests the Equalization formula should be changed to reflect the fact that non-renewable resource revenue is a asset, not a general revenue.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-07-27T00:00:00+00:00 July 27th, 2006|Media Releases|
The East proposes & the West endorses fresh approach to non-renewable resource revenues under Equalization
By Brian Lee Crowley and Bobby O'Keefe| 2016-04-04T16:35:23+00:00 July 27th, 2006|Op-ed|
This third installment in AIMS' Special Commentary Series on Equalization provides a fresh approach on the treatment of non-renewable resource revenues under Equalization.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-07-27T00:00:00+00:00 July 27th, 2006|Newsletters|
AIMS' Special Commentary Series on Equalization wins over opinion leaders across the country, NS Premier Rodney MacDonald is told to follow the advice of AIMS, and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development uses AIMS' research in its latest Economic Survey of Canada.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 July 24th, 2006|In the Media|
AIMS Special Equalization Series has gained attention across the country, including in this column in the Winnipeg Free-Press. The author provides some advice for Premier Gary Doer, but also points out some of the excesses of equalization as highlighted in the AIMS series.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2006-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 July 19th, 2006|In the Media|
A suggestion by Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald that he would use future oil and gas royalties for general revenue, not debt repayment, did not go down well with the editorial writers at the Halifax Chronicle-Herald. In this article they tell the Premier to listen to Brian Lee Crowley and AIMS. Similar editorials appeared in the Truro Daily News and the New Glasgow Evening News.
By Robin Neill| 2016-04-06T13:16:00+00:00 July 18th, 2006|Policy Papers|
This paper takes a different look at equalization and how best to create equal public services across Canada. Author Robin Neil suggests rather than using provincial differentiated transfers, equalization is better achieved through provincially differentiated taxes.