Sale may face regulatory challenges
This op-ed by AIMS' author Gordon Weil points out there may be some regulatory concerns about the sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec. He also suggests the province should maintain some control.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2016-03-17T16:31:06+00:00 November 4th, 2009|In the Media|
This op-ed by AIMS' author Gordon Weil points out there may be some regulatory concerns about the sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec. He also suggests the province should maintain some control.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-11-03T00:00:00+00:00 November 3rd, 2009|In the Media|
The potential sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec has people wondering what happens to the province's paln to be an energy hub. AIMS president Charles Cirtwill says that's still doable, but cautions the success may still rest with the details of the sale.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-10-29T00:00:00+00:00 October 29th, 2009|In the Media|
For more than a decade AIMS Has been writing about electricity supply in Atlantic Canada. When news broke that New Brunswick was selling its utility to Hydro Quebec, reporters started calling AIMS President Charles Cirtwill, and some of our researchers. In this story Cirtwill explains some of the drawbacks for Nova Scotia and Newfoundland of the proposed deal.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-10-29T00:00:00+00:00 October 29th, 2009|In the Media|
More than a decade ago, Tom Adams produced a paper on NB Power for AIMS. In this article, he goes through some of the mistakes made by the utility since his AIMS' Commentary, "New Brunswick's Power Failure: Choosing a competitive alternative".
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-10-29T00:00:00+00:00 October 29th, 2009|In the Media|
More than a decade ago, AIMS published a paper by Tom Adams suggesting NB Power was in a financial crisis. It echoed an earlier paper by Norman Betts. With the proposed sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec, reporters were dusting off these reports as prophecies.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-10-24T00:00:00+00:00 October 24th, 2009|In the Media|
As speculation mounts that Quebec Hydro is going to buy NB Power, AIMS incoming President Charles Cirtwill has a warning. He says while New Brunswick should privatize the utility, selling it to another province's crown corporation would not be good for New Brunswickers.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 August 26th, 2009|In the Media|
While the national media scoff at New Brunswick's plan for self-sufficiency, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill is supportive of the Liberal government's goal.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 July 29th, 2009|In the Media|
News that Shell is closing some low volume gas stations in New Brtunswick revives the discussion about gas price regulation. In this sotry in The Daily Gleaner, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains regulation does not save stations from closing.
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 June 24th, 2009|In the Media|
With the New Brunswick government talking about the possible privatization of NB Power, reporters turned to AIMS executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill for expert comment. Cirtwill says sell the utility. "The challenge you have is government trying to run a business, but you don't have anyone in government with the credentials. They don't have experience operating private sector companies."
By Atlantic Institute for Market Studies| 2009-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 February 18th, 2009|In the Media|
This op-ed appeared in the Telegraph-Journal in response to the commentary, AIMS research manager, Bobby O'Keefe wrote on gas price regulation in New Brunswick.