For more information on any of these topics, please visit our document library to search through our publications.

Part One: Plugging in Atlantic Canada: AIMS and ECANS bring the future of the electricity industry to the region

“Plugging in Atlantic Canada” is less than two weeks away. The AIMS & ECANS co-sponsored event will focus on deregulation, competition and privatization in the continental electricity market and how they will affect Atlantic Canada.

Among other things, conference registrants will hear a leader in the development of US electric markets and transmission initiatives argue that Canada and the US are failing to meet the potential for serving the North American market with the greatest reliability and economy. He finds that utilities on both sides of the border have stood in the way of obtaining efficiency that can benefit customers. Gordon L. Weil, Chairman of the New England-based Weil Consulting Group, offers his conclusions as only one of the 10 major lessons to be learned from the development of the competitive electric market. To hear all 10, be sure to register for this seminal event. “Plugging in Atlantic Canada”, which will be held on October 27, 2000, at the Sheraton Halifax Hotel, is filling up fast.

AIMS and ECANS wish to thank the sponsors of this event, including:

McInnes Cooper (conference sponsor) at
Fortis Inc. (keynote speaker sponsor) at
RBC Dominion Securities (panel sponsor) at
Copol International (coffee break sponsor) at
Honeywell (coffee break sponsor) at
Discount Car & Truck Rentals (in-kind sponsor) at

Part Two: Dr. Hamm Misdiagnoses our Health-Care Ailment

According to a recently released Dalhousie study, Nova Scotia’s health indicators are worse than those of many other provinces. That, says Dr. Hamm, means Nova Scotia should get more – up to 15 per cent more – in health-care funding from Ottawa to close the “health gap” with the rest of the country. Yet the real disease is poor management of the health-care dollars we’re already spending, a fact that comes through clearly when you compare the provinces’ health-care performance more carefully than the premier has done.


Part Three: Sold out AIMS/CAI aquaculture conference hears speakers list the impediments holding back a billion dollar industry

At “How to Farm the Seas”, the AIMS/CAI conference on aquaculture held at the end of September, the sell-out crowd heard how a combination of timid governments, over-zealous environmentalists and NIMBYs have put stumbling blocks in the way of an industry that should be a natural for Atlantic Canada. Aquaculture could be the foundation for much of Atlantic Canada’s rural areas, yet obstacles such as poor-quality property rights for aquaculture operators, policy and regulatory uncertainty, freezes on new sites in British Columbia and New Brunswick, and the long and expensive process for registering drugs and vaccines has given countries like Norway and Chile a fifteen-year lead.


Part Four: In a zero-sum world, John Hamm’s argument for increased CHST transfers would mean less for healthier provinces like Newfoundland

When John Hamm argues that needs should be the basis for transfers to the provinces under the Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), he fails to acknowledge that increased transfers to Nova Scotia would only come if transfers to Newfoundland were cut. *************************************************

Part Five: New England, Atlantic Canada ties must be developed

Former Maine International Trade Center Director Perry Newman and AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley have been discussing ways to improve trade and other links across the international border.


Part Six: The Infocom Revolution: Connectivity, Content and Commerce

A speech by BCE Inc. Chief Strategy Officer, Peter John Nicholson: Technology and globalization are driving a wave of innovation and restructuring in many industries, but nowhere more so than in telecommunications. The pace of mergers, acquisitions, new technologies, regulatory changes and disappearing frontiers with other industries, such as retail sales, entertainment and multimedia, are bewildering to many. But to make the right decisions for an industry characterized by such rapid and daunting change is not easy. What is needed is a clear strategic vision of where the industry is headed, so that we can harness the dynamism of this new economy. *************************************************

Part Seven: AIMS updates Jobs Page, seeks Directors of Development and Research and more

AIMS continues to seek a Director of Research, a Director of Development, occasional researchers in a number of fields, as well as an Intern starting in January 2001.


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