Time to rethink the federal transfers system
By David MacKinnon (AIMS Senior Fellow) The Guardian, 11 December 2018 It is time for a fundamental course change by Atlantic Canadians respecting equalization and other regional subsidies. Earlier [...]
Dearth of Opportunity: Tax Burden and Youth Outmigration in Atlantic Canada
Young residents of all four Atlantic provinces have made clear for decades that the best economic opportunities lie outside their home province. For every year since 1985-1986, more young [...]
Listen: What’s Up with Education in the HRM?
Education consultant Paul Bennett joined the Rick Howe Show in studio to talk about education in the province. Listen here: http://pmd.news957.com/podcasts/atlantic_talk_shows/RHshow/2018.11.27-1000.mp3
Read: The case for a NB college of teachers
in the Telegraph Journal, education consultant and AIMS Senior Fellow Paul Bennet made the case for there to be a New brunswick College of teachers. Read on here
Raise the bar and close the gap: What more can be done for Halifax schools?
By Paul Bennett (AIMS Author) The Chronicle Herald, 23 November 2018 This is part of a series on education in the Halifax Regional Municipality: Talking with Halifax principal Gord McKelvie [...]
Hopeful signs: Most improved schools in Halifax
By Paul Bennett (AIMS Author) The Chronicle Herald, 22 November 2018 This is part of a series on education in the Halifax Regional Municipality: Improving metropolitan school systems can be [...]