New site is major resource for health care consumers, taxpayers, policy makers, opinion leaders and the public in ongoing health debate

[HALIFAX] – Health care is the most hotly debated public policy issue in Canada. There is no doubt that, whatever results, the current debate will have a significant impact on the Atlantic region.

In an effort to allow people to explore this issue for themselves, AIMS has constructed a webpage focused on health care reform. Here you will find a direct link to AIMS major project called Health Care’s Hidden Face: The Private Sector and its Relationship with Medicare.

By following a link on this new page you can take a direct part in our ongoing research by reading and commenting on a series of working papers related to health care as they are brought on-line.

In addition to this innovative step, AIMS has also made available a wide range of material, including our Sir Antony Fisher Award winning piece Operating in the Dark, media reports, commentaries, public presentations, and links to other national and international sources of information and analysis.

According to AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley, “There is a critical need for solid information about all the options available to address the current crisis in Canadian health care delivery. Taxpayers must be informed in order to make the right choices for themselves and their children.”



For further information, please contact:

Dr. Brian Lee Crowley, President, AIMS: 902-499-1998
Dr. David Zitner, Director of Medical Informatics, Dalhousie University Medical School: 902-494-3802 Dr. Brian Ferguson, Professor, University of Guelph: 519-824-4120