Still awaiting response
It was about three weeks ago that the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) released its ninth annual report card on Atlantic Canadian high schools, which included a ranking of 54 schools across Nova Scotia. According to this report, five of the nine lowest ranked schools were from the Chignecto-Central regional school board (CCRSB), with four of those five schools located in Cumberland County. This is an appalling statistic, yet the CCRSB has not made a detailed public comment on these results.
What is more troubling, however, is the fact that the two lowest-ranked high schools in the province, those being Pugwash and Oxford, are represented by the same elected official at the school board, but she too has not made any public comment on the results. According to the CCRSB website, a guiding principle of the elected school board is to be accountable for school achievement, but her lack of response to the AIMS report makes it clear that is simply not true. For shame!
Whatever the board and our elected representative may think of the AIMS report, at least they must acknowledge the findings and offer an explanation if they wish to remain relevant.
Adam Davies, Pugwash