In Defence of the Seal Hunt
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo dispels myths about the Canadian sealing industry and its impact on the environment.
Medical Marijuana Regulations No Bargain for Consumers
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo argues that Health Canada's new medical marijuana regulations benefit licensed producers at the expense of patients, many of whom rely on government assistance to supplement their income.
Doorknob Ban Isn’t an Open-and-Shut Solution
AIMS President and CEO Marco Navarro-Genie makes the case that Halifax's proposal to mandate levered handles creates potential risks for children.
Richer CPP Creates Costs for Society
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo argues that CPP expansion will harm businesses on the margin disproportionately and also handicap low-income individuals by reducing their disposable income.
Nova Scotian’s Opposition to Fracking Unsupported by the Facts
AIMS President and CEO Marco Navarro-Genie comments on Nova Scotia's fracking opposition and argues that it contradicts the facts about hydraulic fracturing and natural resource development.
Course Correction Needed in Math
AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education Michael Zwaagstra discusses the implications of Nova Scotia's education policy and the performance of Canadian students internationally.
Regional Approach Needed Post-Muskrat Falls
AIMS Senior Fellow in Electricity Policy Gordon Weil discusses the need for developing a regional approach to energy issues in Atlantic Canada.
AIMS President Marco Navarro-Genie on HRM’s Doorknob Ban
Vancouver’s recently passed legislation outlawing round doorknobs for new construction, favouring protruding levers instead, seems enlightened and compassionate toward those with limited manual dexterity such as the elderly. Coun. Jennifer Watts promises similar enlightenment for Haligonians.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies Announces Ben Eisen as Director of Research and Programmes
Halifax, NS: The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) is delighted to announce Ben Eisen’s appointment as the new AIMS Director of Research and Programmes, effective 20 January 2014. Prior to joining AIMS, Mr. Eisen worked [...]
The Telegram: Regional Approach Needed Post-Muskrat Falls
During the massive power outages in Newfoundland, the provincial government asserted correctly that the Muskrat Falls project would produce increased electric reliability for the Island. But its reasoning shows a persistence of the concept of the province as an energy island.