Let’s Hear from the Powers That Be
The Telegram published this piece calling on the provincial utilities and their authorities to respond to Newfoundland's energy crisis this winter and discusses AIMS Senior Fellow Gordon Weil's contribution to the debate.
Retired Banker Takes on Second Career as Super Volunteer
Journalist Josh O'Kane discusses the life and career of AIMS board member Dennice Leahey.
Let’s Take a Byte out of Snow Days
AIMS author Paul Bennett discusses how digital initiatives can supplement Atlantic Canada's education system.
Performance Index Reveals Canada’s Least, Most Transparent Governments
Municipal governments that have generously disclosed data have seen their rankings rise for the most part, while minimally informative governments have not been so fortunate. Ben Eisen, formerly of the Frontier Centre and now research director with the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies in Nova Scotia, says, “I would certainly hope that those municipalities that had less information publicly available for this report would carefully examine practices in other cities and consider different strategies to make their governments as transparent as possible.”
Government Should Butt-out on E-cigarettes
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo discusses excessive government regulation through the lens of e-cigarette restrictions, arguing that the state should allow individuals to choose their patterns of consumption without unnecessary impediments.
Why Building New Refineries in Canada is Uneconomical and Undesirable
During the past decade Canada’s upstream oil and gas sector invested well over $100-billion in acquiring access to resource, innovative technologies and the necessary talent to bring our domestic production of liquid hydrocarbons to almost 4 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. The investments made a tremendous contribution to the Canadian economy and were among the key reasons our nation faired better than most during the economic turmoil that shocked our G8 peers over the past five years.
Power From the People
The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, a not-for-profit think tank that looks at market issues, released a commentary this past November criticizing the province for granting NL Hydro a monopoly on power generation in the province.
The Atlantic Economy Needs to Reverse Course Fast
There have been warnings about the economic path Atlantic Canada has taken. The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies has consistently and bravely expressed concern. Former UNB chancellor Richard Currie referred to New Brunswick as a “failed state” province because it was treated too generously by the federal government. The government of Newfoundland and Labrador has stated that fiscal patterns in that province are unsustainable.
Emera-Nalcor Deal Could Meet UARB Conditions, But Risks Remain
AIMS Senior Fellow in Electricity Policy Gordon Weil outlines the benefits of creating an Atlantic Canada power-pool for distributing energy in the region.
CPP Boost Could Hurt Small Firms and Jobless
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo discusses how CPP expansion will hurt small firms and jobless Canadians.