AIMS: Cut Spending
Just as the coming election season will no doubt serve as a springboard for more potentially costly political pledges, a new study from the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies has highlighted how New Brunswick has little fiscal room left to maneuver. The study, prepared by University of New Brunswick economist David Murrell and AIMS policy analyst Shaun Fantauzzo, argues that because of expected declines in federal transfer payments over the near term New Brunswick must quickly adjust its expenditures in order to better reflect an era of diminished revenue. The numbers coming out of the report are certainly a sober read for any politician who may be tempted to promise grandiose pledges in a few short months.According to AIMS,the provincial debt is equivalent to 37.7 per cent of New Brunswick’s GDP. On a per-capita basis, every single New Brunswick resident is burdened by more than $16,000 in provincial government debt.
New Brunswick Must Tackle Its Debt Problem
UNB Professor David Murrell, AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo, and Director of Research Ben Eisen argue that New Brunswick's provincial government must take measures to reduce spending and stabilize the province's fiscal situation.
New Brunswick’s Debt and Deficit: A Historical Look
University of New Brunswick Professor David Murrell and AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo analyze New Brunswick's public finances since the 1980s and show that revenue is declining as a share of GDP, reinforcing the need for fiscal consolidation in the province.
PRESS RELEASE: Paper Analyzes New Brunswick’s Debt and Deficit Problem
Halifax, NS/Fredericton, NB: New Brunswick faces a significant public debt problem and spending restraint is the best available solution. These are the central findings of a new research paper, released this morning, by the Atlantic [...]
Why Neo-Containment Should Not Extend to the Arctic
AIMS Senior Fellow in Security and Defence Robert Murray outlines arguments in favour of keeping the Arctic a place for "mutual cooperation."
Income Inequality and Economic Growth
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo talks about his latest op-ed on income inequality with Geoff Currier of Nighthawk on CJOB 680.
Minimum Wage Ineffective on Poverty
AIMS Director of Research Ben Eisen and Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo outline the shortfalls of increasing the minimum wage and argue that it is an ineffective tool for alleviating poverty.
Focus on Income Inequality Misguided
AIMS Policy Analyst Shaun Fantauzzo discusses the difference between relative and absolute poverty, arguing that income inequality is an inadequate measure of economic well-being.
Don’t Expect Government to Win the War on Obesity
AIMS Senior Fellow in Urban Policy Patrick Luciani analyzes with the government is unfit to win the war on obesity, arguing, "If there's anything to be learned, it's that weight is a deeply personal challenge that can only be solved one person at a time, and only when we as individuals come to the conclusion that we've had enough."
The Poverty of Western Strategy in Ukraine
AIMS Senior Fellow in Security and Defense Robert Murray outlines why the West is ill-equipped to curb further Russian aggression in Ukraine.