PRESS RELEASE: AIMS Presents Discussion with AIMS Senior Fellow Gordon Weil and Nalcor President Ed Martin on Muskrat Falls
Today, the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) publishes Muskrat Falls: Opportunities to Reduce Risk and Enhance Benefits by Dr. Gordon Weil, AIMS Senior Fellow in Electricity Policy. Ed Martin, President of Nalcor, provides a response, creating a public debate on the major new hydro project.
Muskrat Falls: Opportunities to Reduce Risk and Enhance Benefits
AIMS Senior Fellow in Electricity Policy Gordon Weil outlines several opportunities to reduce risks and enhance the benefits of Newfoundland and Labrador's Muskrat Falls project. We also invited Ed Martin, the President and Chief Executive of Nalcor Energy, the project’s developer, to address the subjects covered in the paper.
Flight MH17 and the Conflict in Ukraine
AIMS Senior Fellow in Security and Defence Robert Murray talks about the MH17 flight disaster in Ukraine and discusses how it will affect international relations on 630 CHED.
Muskrat Falls: Increased Risk and Opportunity
AIMS Senior Fellow in Electricity Policy Gordon Weil outlines the risks and benefits of Newfoundland and Labrador's Muskrat Falls project, arguing "its greatest value may be in the role it can play in tapping regional benefits for the province and in promoting a regional power management system that will ensure savings for customers and promote systems better able to keep the lights on."
Universities Would Be Wrong to Shun Energy Companies
AIMS President and CEO Marco Navarro-Genie outlines the arguments against universities divesting from the oil and gas industry, arguing the nature of a veritable academic conversation, as are all conversations between engaged friends, is that it always remains open.
Muskrat Falls and Atlantic Canada
AIMS Senior Fellow in Electricity Policy Gordon Weil discusses Muskrat Falls and the future of electricity policy in Atlantic Canada on the Todd Veinotte show. More information is coming!
Honey, I Coddled the Kids
Newfoundland and Labrador's Telegram cited AIMS Fellow in Common Sense Education Michael Zwaagstra's "Zero Support for No-Zero Policies" in an article about education and school policies.
Why Child Welfare is Always in Crisis
AIMS contributor Rick August discusses the state of child welfare in Canada and outlines a number of ways to reform the system. He suggests embracing adoption, for instance, instead of relying on the foster care structure currently embraced by the federal government.
Revamping Health Information in Nova Scotia
AIMS Senior Fellow in Healthcare Policy David Zitner discusses his latest column on health information in Nova Scotia on the Todd Veinotte show.
Healthcare Needs High-tech Injection
AIMS Senior Fellow in Healthcare Policy David Zitner discusses governance problems within Nova Scotia's healthcare system and suggests a number of solutions available for fixing them.