A really disruptive tax proposal
In the Telegraph-Journal, AIMS Vice President of Research John Williamson considers the proposal to increase the tax exemption on purchases from online U.S. retailers from $20 to $200. If enacted, such a policy proposal would [...]
Radio: HST Exemption for U.S. Purchases
The federal government is considering a tax exemption for online purchases from the United States under $200. No doubt, this idea emanates from popular frustration with high taxes. Burdened consumers justifiably want a [...]
Bilingualism on the Supreme Court
On Aug. 17, 2016, AIMS Policy Analyst Jackson Doughart was a guest on News 95.7's Sheldon MacLeod show. They discussed the reform of the Supreme Court appointment process to include bilingualism.
Supreme Court justices should need only one tongue
AIMS Policy Analyst Jackson Doughart argues against the federal government's decision to consider only bilingual candidates for appointment to the Supreme Court. Bilingualism, Doughart argues, is largely a geographic privilege in Canada. There is no [...]
Radio: Supreme Court Appointment Process
Since the creation of the Supreme Court in 1875, at least one of our country’s top justices has been from Atlantic Canada. But the federal government has announced that it will now open [...]
The case for lower business taxes
AIMS Intern Ryan Scarth describes the case for low business taxes. He notes that Canadian provinces have the substantial advantage of being able to set their own tax rates, an uncommon ability among sub-national jurisdictions. [...]
Radio: Halifax Transit Problem
Halifax’s traffic congestion is a drag on the local economy, with residents wasting countless hours commuting. Unfortunately, the idea of a commuter rail line to augment the city buses is not financially [...]
The Beacon Volume XXII, No. 17 – AIMS Interns
The Beacon - August 6, 2016 | Volume XXII, No. 17 Summer Interns at AIMS Midsummer for the last three years has been the time for our summer BBQ. This is a time in which [...]
Alex Whalen interview re: Supreme Court Appointments
On Aug. 5, 2016, AIMS Operations Manager Alex Whalen discussed the Supreme Court nomination process with the Rick Howe Show and the Sheldon MacLeod Show on Halifax's News 95.7 station. See the embedded audio clips [...]
Radio: Great Britain’s Economic Policies
Great Britain is a model for sound economic policy. Since 2010, the UK has created more jobs than the rest of the European Union combined. Today, the unemployment rate is 4.9 percent, an [...]