Proof the Atlantic provinces haven’t stopped spending, despite protests over ‘austerity.’
By PATRICK WEBBER (AIMS Research Associate) • Financial Post, 20 December 2016 AIMS Research Associate Patrick Webber discusses his AIMS paper Measuring Austerity in Atlantic Canada. He outlines how, contrary to the rhetoric of anti-austerity [...]
Jackson Doughart on Atlantic Austerity
On Dec. 9, 2016, AIMS Policy Analyst Jackson Doughart joined Jean-Albert Maire of Radio Canada to discuss AIMS's policy paper "Measuring Austerity in Atlantic Canada." The interview is in French.
No austerity in Atlantic Canada
By JACKSON DOUGHART (AIMS Policy Analyst) • Troy Media, 14 December 2016 • Charlottetown Guardian, 19 December 2016 It's nearly impossible these days to have a conversation about public finance without someone crying "Austerity!" This [...]
Beyond the Sound and Fury
By JOHN RISLEY (AIMS Chairman) • Atlantic Business Magazine, 14 December 2016 Let’s speculate on the meaning of Donald Trump’s presidential win. I doubt very much that there will be a lurch to the far right. [...]
New Brunswick must address its spending addiction
By PATRICK WEBBER (AIMS Author) • Telegraph-Journal, 12 December 2016 • Local Xpress, 13 December 2016 “Austerity” has become a popular buzzword, gaining traction in the aftermath of the 2008 Great Recession and subsequent financial [...]
Editorial: NB’s government spending has doubled in 35 years
Editorial quoting AIMS study Measuring Austerity in Atlantic Canada • Telegraph-Journal, 12 December 2016 A recent report from the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, a regional think-tank, suggests that Atlantic Canada has not, in recent [...]
AIMS releases paper on austerity in Atlantic Canada
HALIFAX, NS – The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) publishes this morning a policy study entitled Measuring Austerity in Atlantic Canada. The paper examines the public finances of governments in the region, paying close attention [...]
Patrick Webber on Austerity in Atlantic Canada
On Dec. 8, 2016 AIMS Author Patrick Webber joined the Sheldon MacLeod Show to discuss his paper Measuring Austerity in Atlantic Canada.
Italy is on the verge of damaging the EU in a way that will dwarf Brexit
By PATRICK LUCIANI (AIMS Senior Fellow) • Financial Post, 8 December 2016 Rarely does a chance come along to shift a nation’s fortunes by changing its constitution. Italy had that chance and, in the process, [...]
Measuring Austerity in Atlantic Canada
Recurrent political debates about public finance often include exaggerated accusations of “austerity” when a government decides to reduce spending. Though the language of “imposing austerity” has found its greatest use in Europe, it is [...]