Radio: New Brunswick teacher Hires
New Brunswick's school enrollment is declining. Logically, fewer students should need fewer people to teach them. Instead, government has agreed employ no fewer than 7,280 teachers, regardless of enrollment decline. This decision will [...]
Pierre Lemieux on “Le Réveil” (Radio-Canada)
On June 7, 2017, AIMS Author Pierre Lemieux joined Jean-Albert Maire of Radio-Canada to discuss his latest paper, The Benefits of Trade. The interview is in French.
Lowering costs, not raising wages, key to helping low-income earners
By PATRICK WEBBER (AIMS Research Associate) Huddle, 13 June 2017 Troy Media, 14 June 2017 The Guardian, 19 June 2017 New Brunswick's government has raised the minimum wage by 35 cents to $11.00 per hour, [...]
Radio: Memorial University Tuition
In Newfoundland and Labrador, tough economic times have induced government to cut funding for Memorial University. This is a reasonable decision given financial challenges. Unfortunately, the province also wants to maintain a tuition [...]
“Buy local” against the spirit of free trade
HALIFAX, NS – Trade is a fundamental ingredient to Nova Scotia's economic success, as identified by the provincial government and the Ivany Commission. And yet there are numerous lingering examples of protectionism, which serve to [...]
The Benefits of Trade
Sketch: Arrival of Radisson in an Indian camp, 1660. The Benefits of Trade examines the economic argument for free trade, with an emphasis on the importance of trade for Canadian provinces. The [...]
For the food industry, the $15-hour fight is pointless. Here’s why
By SYLVAIN CHARLEBOIS (AIMS Senior Fellow) Globe and Mail, 4 June 2017 Troy Media, 7 June 2017 Waterloo Region Record, 8 June 2017 LocalXpress, 8 June 2017 The minimum wage is rising in many parts of [...]
Submission to House Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
On May 31, 2017, AIMS President Marco Navarro-Génie appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration to discuss demographic and economic challenges in Atlantic Canada. Below is the text of his [...]
Marco Navarro-Génie au Téléjournal Acadie
La Production des permis de conduire en Atlantique sera centralisée - Le Téléjournal Acadie 2 Juin 2017: Une nouvelle procédure sera mise en place en ce qui a trait à la création de permis de [...]
Jackson Doughart on Sheldon MacLeod Show
On June 1, 2017, AIMS Research Coordinator, Jackson Doughart, joined the Sheldon MacLeod Show on News 95.7 FM to discuss his latest study with David Murell, Household Savings in Atlantic Canada, 1981-2015. [...]