Atlantica at Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association Conference
It was the first ever conference for the Canadian Marine Pilots' Association, and Atlantica was front and centre. In this article, from Canadian Sailings magazine, journalist Julie Gedeon explains the golden opportunity that has been presented to the International Northeast, which we call Atlantica.
Facing up to our drinking problem.
Most of us expect the highest quality drinking water, for the lowest possible price. In his fortnightly column, Brian Lee Crowley points out that expectation is unrealistic. We have to start paying the true cost of this resource. This column appeared in the Moncton Times-Transcript, while a slightly different version appeared in the Halifax Chronicle-Herald.
The Road to Private U
AIMS' latest paper on private universities prompted Daily News columnist Brian Flemming to examine the possibilities in his regular weekly column. He says the time has come to think seriously about privatization, and King's College is a prime candidate.
Medicare: Status quo argument ailing
In his fortnightly column, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley provides some economics-based insight into the health care debate. And he points out that we should leave the medicine to those trained in medicine, and the economics to those trained in economics. As he puts it, "Just as no one should want to be treated by a doctor who claims to have learned his or her medicine in economics journals, we should avoid getting our health care economics from medical journals."
East-West highway for Atlantica is a US priority.
It is the Main Street for Atlantica - a highway from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Watertown, New York. The US government has just announced million sof dollars in funding and put the east-west portion of that main street from Calais, Maine to New York on its high priority corridor map.
Headbashers of Atlantica, rejoice!
In his regular monthly column in Progress magazine Jim Meek says there's hope for Atlantica and transportation infrastructure is the key. However, he warns the "road to Rome" will not be built in a day.
Panelists promote ‘Atlantica’ concept
Canadian Sailings, a magazine of transportation and trade logistics, featured Atlantica in its October 3rd edition. In an article by Tom Peters, Atlantica is described as the intersection of three powerful trade relationships - NAFTA, EU-NAFTA, and the Suez Express.
Une lutte idéologique
Brian Lee Crowley, président de Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, écrit: "Un récent éditorial publié par le Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne, soutenait ceci: "Nous devons nous souvenir qu'à peu près tout le monde s'entend pour dire que les soins de santé prodigués par le secteur privé coûtent plus cher et qu'ils sont moins efficaces que ceux fournis par le secteur public." Mais comme l'auteur et humoriste Artemis Ward l'a déjà signalé: "Ce n'est pas ce que les gens ignorent qui leur cause des ennuis, ce sont les choses qu'ils savent ne pas être réellement ainsi." La morale de cette histoire? Tout comme personne ne souhaiterait être traité par un médecin affirmant avoir appris sa profession dans des publications économiques, nous devrions éviter de puiser nos données économiques sur les soins de santé dans les publications médicales."
Province ponders expropriating mill
Rob Antle of The Telegram turned to AIMS as he wrote a story about the potential exprorpriation of the Abitibi paper mill in Stephenville, Newfoundland. The provincial government is considering expropriating the mill to find a new operator. AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley explained such action sends a negative message to business.
B.C. establishes Asia-Pacific trade body.
There is no doubt the biggest increase in container traffic in the coming years will likely come from Asia. While Atlantica can capture that business, it has to go after it. The biggest competititon comes from places like Vancouver and Los Angeles, and they aren't taking anything for granted. British Columbia has established a council with one goal in mind.