Interview – Public U to Private U
The CBC Radio Morning Show in St. John's, Newfoundland takes a closer look at "Public U to Private U: An Atlantica Canadian Opportunity" in this interview with the paper's author Kelvin Ogilvie.
Deepening the ties that bind is in Canada’s best interest.
While Canadians remain fixated on softwood lumber, a minor trade irritant affecting the equivalent of a few days’ cross-border trade each year, the real challenges in our relations with the United States arise from our limited imaginations. In his fortnightly column, Brian Lee Crowley examines Canada's economic relations with the US and suggests it is in our national interest to keep the momentum of deepening integration moving forward.
Route Canals: A way to avoid west coast congestion
The Panama and Suez Canals are offering shippers a way to avoid congested West Coast ports. In this article in Logistics Today, journalist Roger Morton takes a look at the east coast alternatives to the west coast regulars.
Keeping a Good City Down
In the first of a two part series, National Post columnist Lorne Gunter praises the attributes of Halifax. However, referencing work done for AIMS by Fred McMahon, he points out that it could be even greater if the government stopped bribing the voters.
Which is more valuable, the paper or the power?
In this Commentary, AIMS Research Fellow Peter Fenwick asks what role the government should take in propping up uneconomic paper mills. His conclusion suggests the future product of such mills may be power, not paper.
The Beacon, October 31, 2005
From private universities to fencing the fishery to US trade, this Beacon has a little bit for everyone.
Port of Charleston looks at transportation infrastructure to compete.
The ports of Atlantica aren't the only ones in North America vying for the title of Gateway to the Heartland. However, usually one looks at the ports on the west coast of the continent as the competition. That's not always the case, and definitely won't be the case if South Carolina has its way.
Eaux troubles
En Eaux troubles, Brian Lee Crowley, président de Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, écrit: "Nous devrions payer les véritables coûts de notre eau, mais non pas les coûts de monopoleurs satisfaits d'eux-mêmes. "
Just Tinkering with EI won’t make it better.
In this editorial, The Globe and Mail picked up on a persistent message from AIMS that the Employment Insurance program needs revamping. It refers to AIMS' work and concludes a little tweaking just won't solve the problems of the EI program.
Post-Panamax containerization presents new port challenges
Global containerization is expected to double over the next decade. In this article in Canadian Sailings, Julie Gedeon explains that container flow to North America is predicted to soar by 75 per cent from 41.1 million TEUs to 72 million TEUs by 2015. It's a golden opportunity for Atlantica.