The Beacon, January 11, 2006
In this first Beacon of the 2006 season, learn about the AIMS Angus McBeath North American Tour titled "Saving Our Public Schools", read how the ports in Atlantica can be tomorrow's successful ports, and consider whether tax cuts, not bailouts are a better way to deal with the closure of a paper mill.
Characteristics of Tomorrow’s Successful Port
Ports and marine transportation are critical to the success of AIMS Atlantica concept. In the fourth of the AIMS Atlantica papers, Professor Michael Ircha discusses the characteristics of tomorrow's successful port and concludes Atlantica's ports have an opportunity to be key players in the North American economy.
Count your blessings, and add politicians to list
In his regular fortnightly column, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley uses the spirit of the season to reflect on politics, politicians and our democracy.
Schools can learn from Edmonton’s teamwork
The latest stop in the AIMS Angus McBeath North American Tour prompted a couple of opinion pieces in local newspapers. McBeath, the former superintendent of schools in Edmonton and AIMS Fellow in Public Education Reform, describes the remarkable turn-around in public education in his Alberta city. In this article, Jamie Gass opines Boston should take its lead from Edmonton's example.
The Beacon, December 21, 2005
Holiday Greetings from the staff at AIMS.
Charting a new course: Port of Halifax as the portal to Atlantica.
The Port of Halifax is a key link in the Atlantica concept. This article in the December issue of Port of Halifax magazine provides evidence of the importance of marine trade to economic growth, and details how the Port of Halifax plans to utilize its natural assets to capture more of that trade.
APM Terminals gets the nod in Yangshan
China is moving quickly to make it to number one. While ports around the world are scrambling to add capacity to handle increased container traffic from China, the port of Shanghai-Yangshan is upping the stakes. Just days after opening Yangshan Phase 1, it announced APM Terminals joins the consortium for Phase 2.
Less is More When Governments Respond to Stephenville Mill Closure
The last ditch effort by the Newfoundland and Labrador government to keep the Stephenville mill open failed. That's not to say the government won't try to use millions of dollars to entice another operator to re-open it. In this commentary, Newfoundland's Peter Fenwick says there's a much better way to spend that money.
How to put Eastern Canada at the center of the new global trading patterns
Canadian Transportation & Logistics magazine featured Atlantica in the 'infrastructure' feature of its November/December 2005 edition. It based the feature on the talk delivered by AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley to Halifax Port Days 2005, where he prompted people to rethink geography and learn from history.
China Syndrome aids Port of Halifax
This story in the Globe and Mail shows how shipments of Chinese goods via the Suez Canal are boosting business in the Port of Halifax. This mirrors recent AIMS' commentaries that show the increased use of the Suez Canal places Atlantica on the Pacific Rim.