In the global race to power up LNG plants, firms face supply challenge
When one of the leading portals for quality information for the global gas, oil, and power industry checked out the three LNG projects proposed for Atlantic Canada, it checked out AIMS first. "Alexander's Oil and Gas Connections" quotes from AIMS' LNG paper titled 'Casting a cold eye on LNG'
Having it both ways
Land-locked Saskatchewan could have some answers for the Port of Halifax, and the portal to Atlantica. This article explains why container trade could be important to that prairie province, but also further east.
Choosing the court could be the judge of the man.
Is it time to change how Canada chooses its Supreme Court Justices? In his fortnightly column, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley examines the Canadian system, and suggests it's time for something more open and consultative.
The LNG World: Together we stand.
With two of the three LNG terminals proposed for Atlantic Canada in its backyard, the Guysborough Journal was quick to get the news out about AIMS paper, "Casting a Cold Eye on LNG: The real possibilities and pitfalls for Atlantic Canada".
Grano Series – America in the Middle East
The 2nd annual speakers series, held in Toronto at Grano Restaurant, explores the potential and limits of the use of American power in the Middle East and the prospects of democraticization for the region. The Atlantic Institute for Market Studies has been a partner in the Grano Series since its inception.
Road, Rail, Air, Water: Separate Worlds or One System?
It isn't a very flattering picture of Atlantica. An area that the writers say"seems frozen in time and space, unaware of how seriously isolated and inefficient it’s becoming with its overburdened interstates, poorly maintained bridges and local roads, [and]shrunken and imperiled rail service". This article by the New England Futures Project appeared in newspapers throughout New England. Its list of transportation inadequacies is relevant to either side of the border that runs through Atlantica.
The Gateway to Atlantica: State of the Art transload centre planned for Halifax.
Consolidated Fastfrate is "moving on up" in Halifax. For years it has operated a shipping centre in the city, but now it plans to build a $10 million transload centre. The centre will provide the facility to unload and sort cargo for transportation across North America - a critical link in securing Halifax as the gateway to Atlantica and the lucrative US markets.
The LNG World
The potential benefits for Atlantic Canada
Casting a cold eye on LNG:
There’s another opportunity knocking at Atlantic Canada’s door, but the region needs to act in unison to answer it. The opportunity is Liquefied Natural Gas, or LNG, and the region needs to coordinate its approach to fully realize the potential. That’s the conclusion of AIMS’ latest paper, LNG in Atlantic Canada: Opportunity for Regional Development. Author Angela Tu-Weissenberger examines the LNG world, the opportunities for Atlantic Canada and the three LNG terminals proposed in the region.
B.C. plans to spend $3B to unsnarl traffic mess
British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell has embraced the Asian trade potential and is willing to put his money where his mouth is. The province is spending $3-billion on transportation upgrades to make sure it is ready for the increase in Asian traffic. It's another indication that time is running out for Atlantica to take advantage of the growth in Asian trade.