The Beacon, March 14, 2006 – Special Edition
If there was any doubt about the popularity of the AIMS Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools, the 4th edition settled the question. In the first four days after release, the AIMS website received more than 250,000 hits. This special Beacon provides the details of this critical insight into the region's 316 high schools.
More and better school information demanded
After release of the 4th AIMS Report Card for High Schools in Atlantic Canada, some editorials started calling for more information and more open disclosure of data for schools. This editorial in the Moncton Times & Transcript is an example.
Un nouveau triangle
En ‘Un nouveau triangle’, Brian Lee Crowley, président de l’Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, écrit: " Mais les dernières élections fédérales ont souligné l'émergence d'un nouveau triangle concurrent en pleine lancée: Calgary-Edmonton-Vancouver. Si le XXe siècle a appartenu au Canada, selon le célèbre mot de Sir Wilfrid Laurier, le XXIe appartient à l'Ouest. . . La réforme du Sénat est une stratégie de pis-aller pour des gens qui pensent être incapables d'obtenir du pouvoir politique. L'Alberta et l'Ouest sont maintenant des gagnants politiques."
Measuring Progress
AIMS released its fourth annual Report Card for Atlantic Canadian High Schools to much fanfare around the region. Progress business magazine did a complete spread included special features on Moncton high schools and on public education in Edmonton.
In the global race to power up LNG plants, firms face supply challenge
An AIMS' paper on LNG proved prophetic when questions were raised about the supply contracts for three LNG terminals proposed for the region. The paper prompted New Brunswick's Telegraph-Journal to take a closer look.
For the Record – AIMS 4th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools
AIMS released its 4th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools with news conferences in Halifax and Moncton. The Report Card became the top news around the region.
Penny wise and pound foolish
AIMS 4th report card highlights shortsightedness of abandoning leading-edge reporting in NB
AIMS gets PEI educators to open up
4th Annual Report Card gives even better picture of Island Schools
NS students and parents still lack access to basic information about school performance
AIMS releases 4th High School Report Card
Lots of data, but it tells a worrying story
NL sets the standard for reporting in Atlantic Canada but schools still move to the middle on AIMS’ 4th Report Card