Newfoundland’s shakedown racket
When talks broke down between government and industry to develop the Hebron Ben Nevis offshore oil project off Newfoundland and Labrador, the National Post came to AIMS for insight of what went wrong. In this article, AIMS Fellow in Newfoundland Issues Peter Fenwick explains the government position endangers all future development in the province.
The Bad Idea that Will Not Die: Gas Price Regulation
It may sound reasonable, regulating the price of gasoline. But as Brian Lee Crowley explains in his fortnightly column, appearances are deceiving. He writes, "regulation cannot lower prices for gasoline. The price to get gasoline into our local markets is set internationally and we have no control over it whatsoever. We either pay the going rate or we don’t get what we need."
Waterfront’s Problem Said To Be Transportation Costs, Tolls
It would appear the Port of New York is more and more centred in New Jersey. This article in the New York Sun explains how increasing costs is threathening the last container terminal in Brooklyn.
Boston can learn from AIMS Fellow in Public Education Reform
Last fall, Angus McBeath, AIMS Fellow in Public Education Reform, brought a key message to Boston to help save their public schools. As the city now looks for a new superintendent of schools, it is being urged to follow McBeath's lead from his days as superintendent of Edmonton Schools.
The Beacon, March 28, 2006
A little something on Oil & Gas; a touch of Atlantica; and more on fiscal imbalance - this Beacon hops around the country from Alberta to Ottawa to Atlantica.
Senate reform will sabotage ‘New West’
A newspaper column by AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley, sparked a debate across Canada on Senate Reform. This article appeared in several major newspapers.
Get over all that oil gloom
With oil prices rising once more, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley takes a look at what it truly means. As he explains, "The point of higher prices isn’t to make people pay more for energy, but to get them to use less of it and to give companies incentives to find more."
LNG: Pipedream or opportunity?
When Atlantic Business was looking for a story on the three proposed LNG terminals for Atlantic Canada, it turned to AIMS. In this article in the March issue, AIMS' Barbara Pike shows the three projects are anything but a sure thing. Drawing from AIMS' paper "Casting a cold eye on LNG", Pike explains there are several hurdles to overcome including supply, regulatory regime and regional cooperation.
Unlocking gridlock on Canada’s west coast
Much has been written this Spring about the expected congestion on North America's west coast. This story in Logistics Today provides some detail on what is happening on Canada's west coast to make it as attractive as ever to shipping lines. They are tips Atlantica is well advised to hear.
Taking notice, making headlines: AIMS Report Card top news story across the region
In the 48 hours after the release of the AIMS 4th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High School, there were about 250,000 hits to the AIMS website and its online report card. Much of that web traffic was driven by the blanket coverage the report card received in the region's media.