AIMS’ research proves invaluable for national equalization debate
Long before the topic took centre stage on the national agenda, AIMS was studying equalization. That close examination has shown time after time, that for all its good intentions, Canada's equalization program hurts both the givers and the receivers. As the topic now takes centre stage, AIMS' research proves to be a valuable asset to the debate.
Newfoundland: Open Season on Business?
Is Newfoundland really open for business? AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley triggered animated debate during the final panel at the 2006 NOIA conference in St. John's with his remarks titled "Newfoundland: Open Season on Business".
Commerce into East from Canada offers big opportunity
This editorial in The Buffalo News points to the advantages offered by the Atlantica concept. Published after a presentation in Buffalo by AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley, the writer explains there's an opportunity that needs to be exploraed for the economic vitality of the whole region.
Increasing the Iron Horse Population in Buffalo
Think of Buffalo as a port of call instead of the end of the line. This Commentary examines how integral Buffalo can be to the Atlantica concept.
Canada’s Education Secret
Angus McBeath, AIMS Fellow in Public Education Reform, is touring North America talking about how to save our public schools. His recent visit to Toronto prompted Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Wente to suggest it's a message Ontario should heed.
Going global: Being reborn as trade hub
Buffalo can play an integral part of Atlantica, and that was the message delivered by AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley to the Buffalo Niagara Logistics Council. It's a concept that was easily embraced by Donn Esmonde in this article in The Buffalo News.
When Tea and Sympathy are not enough:
On 16 May 2006, AIMS gathered the leading experts on the gap in prescription drug coverage from across the country.
Catastrophic gap in prescription drug coverage: AIMS’ conference puts the issue on the national agenda
AIMS' conference on the catastrophic gap in prescription drug coverage in Atlantic Canada attracted patients, health care workers, pharmaceutical companies, insurance brokers, and government officials. Media across the country picked up this story with its clear message that AIMS set the stage to place the catastrophic gap in prescription drug coverage on the national agenda.
Resource revenue isn’t to be spent; it’s to be saved.
In his bi-monthly column, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley once again points out the need for provinces to treat resource revenue differently than general revenue. He says it's a lesson Nova Scotia and Newfoundland have not learned, but one for which future generations will pay.
Nothing for the money
On Thursday, May 11th, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley spoke to the Empire Club of Canada in Toronto. His topic - equalization. His message - both Ontario and the Maritimes suffer from decades of federal equalization transfers. The National Post requested permission to publish his remarks in full in its weekend edition, on Saturday, May 13th.