Apocalypse now comes with Atlantica
Atlantica is getting front page coverage across the region as opponents of the concept continue to focus on the Reaching Atlantica conference being held in Saint John by the Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce. In his regular column in the Telegraph Journal, Alec Bruce writes satirically of the battle suggesting it's time to ditch the rhetoric and listen.
Atlantica and Trends in World Trade
The regional entity of Atlantica is poised to help resolve the congestion problems of the west coast and satisfy the growth demands of centre North America. This sixth paper in the Atlantica series explains how that can be done.
Atlantica deserves fair hearing
Fred Hazel is the retired editor in chief of the Telegraph-Journal who has been watching New Brunswick for decades. In this column, he rationally explains the significance of the Atlantica concept to the region and suggests the opponents need to get their facts straight.
Get Off the dole
Comments by AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley in a media interview about the renewal of an Employment Insurance program prompted this editorial in The National Post.
Following the Money Trail II
Setting the record straight, again. Five years after the first Money Trail, AIMS examines where Atlantic Canada sits in the federal subsidy rankings, and it isn't last.
Seasonal workers fear end of extra EI benefits
An employment insurance pilot project to extend benefits for workers in areas with unemployment above 10% was nearing an end. Before an announcement was made on its continuation, the National Post took a look at the program and called on AIMS for independent comment.
No case to grab Alberta cash
Sharing Alberta's wealth has become a battle cry across the country. But in his fortnightly column in the Moncton Times-Transcript, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley explains that Alberta shares enough, it's how the rest of us spends it is the problem.
Albertans have done more than their share
There have been recent calls for Alberta to share more of its wealth with the rest of the country through equalization. Alberta Premier Ralph Klein says that's not an option. In his fortnightly column, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley explains Alberta is already paying more than its share and we should all be doing more with what we do get.
The Beacon, 30 May 2006
Catastrophic drug coverage, equalization, government subsidies and Atlantica are all covered in this edition of The Beacon.
Nyerere vs Flores: Which vision for King’s County?
When people are free to buy what they please, you have to give them what they want, so explains AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley in this Commentary based on remarks he delivered to an economic summit in the Annapolis Valley region of Nova Scotia. He says the principle is relevant to everything we do in Atlantic Canada, but nowhere is it more important than in agriculture.