Farmers warned of changes ahead
Industry cannot get locked into always doing things the way they have been done, but should adapt to the new reality. AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley used the agriculture industry as an example during a luncheon address to an economic conference in the Annapolis Valley region of Nova Scotia. His remarks were featured in the provincial edition of The Chronicle-Herald.
The Flypaper Effect
Does Equalization really contribute to better public services, or does it just 'stick to' politicians and civil servants? The second of AIMS' special Equalization Series.
Never have so many given so much to so few
How equalization underwrites a bloated public service and excessive debt.
Over-Equalization: Comparing apples to apples
In the first of a three part series on equalization, AIMS shows that equalization is anything but equal. The release of the first Commentary in the series prompted this story in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal.
Why Some are More Equal than Others
In this first of a Commentary series on Equalization, AIMS looks beyond the dollars and cents to the actual public services. It shows Canada over-equalizes.
Why Some are More Equal than Others
How Canada over-equalizes and why the Expert Panel’s recommendations will make it worse.
A Strategy for Unlocking the Halifax Gateway
In this Commentary, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley explains the next steps for Atlantica. In the keynote speech to the Halifax Shipping Association, Crowley says if we fail to make Atlantica work, the region will be left behind.
NB gas regulation will pump up prices
Gas regulation provides political benefits for the government but no real benefits for consumers. That's the message delivered by AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley in this news story about the passage in New Brunswick of the Petroleum Products Pricing Act.
Reaching Atlantica: Business without Borders
Reaching Atlantica: Business without Borders
Atlantica could be good for prosperity
In this guest commentary in the Moncton Times & Transcript, writer Charles Moore embraces AIMS' concept of Atlantica. As he puts it, "I think the Atlantica initiative represents the sort of innovative thinking it will take to extract Atlantic Canada from its century-plus downward spiral of what AIMS' Brian Crowley calls genteel decline."