Government’s next big job: managing national labour shortage
In his regular Globe and Mail column on 4 July 2006, John Ibbitson turned his attention to a pending national labour shortage. He pointed out governments need to wake up and used AIMS Special Commentary Series on Equalization to show governments actually encourage workers to be unproductive.
Some provinces are more equal than others
This editorial in the national edition of The Globe and Mail, reviews the first two papers in AIMS' special Equalization Commentary Series. It accepts the research saying Canada is over-equalizing, and concludes - "Enough already!"
Taking a page from AIMS:
OECD prescription for Canada’s economic health mirrors AIMS’ work in equalization, EI, federal-provincial relations & more.
The Beacon, 30 June 2006
How Canada's Equalization program over-equalizes. How the fishery needs to be rationalized. How the Newfoundland government is hampering business in that province. And how agriculture needs to work in today's world, not yesterday's. All this and more in this edition of The Beacon.
Agriculture must compete in today’s world, not yesterday’s
The message is simple, 'the world doesn’t adapt to us'. When people are free to buy what they please, you have to give them what they want. In his fortnightly column, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley explains this principle is relevant to everything we do in Atlantic Canada, but nowhere is it more important than in agriculture.
AIMS Special Equalization Commentary Series
Equalization in Canada is supposed to ensure people across the country have access to reasonably comparable public services at reasonably comparable levels of taxation. This special Commentary Series goes beyond the dollar and cents to the actual public services.
Just too many – plants, boats & people
How the rationalization of the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery is the key to its future.
Some are more equal than others
In his column in the National Post, Lorne Gunter uses AIMS special Equalization Commentary Series to support his arguement that equalization needs to be scaled back, not increased as has been proposed.
Think-tanks make a valuable contribution
In this op/ed that appeared in the St. John's Evening Telegram, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley responds to an editorial in the same paper suggesting think tanks shouldn't be eligible for charitable status. Crowley explains the role and the funding of public policy think tanks.
How have-nots are more equal
AIMS special Equalization Commentary Series attracted the attention of Nigel Hannaford, a member of The Calgary Herald editorial board. In his regular weekend column, he takes a closer look at the Equalization numbers.