Student funding below par
A Statistics Canada study shows Nova Scotia is spending less per child on education that the national average, but as AIMS vice president Charles Cirtwill points out in this newspaper article, money isn't the issue. He says it's time to look at how we spend the money on education, not how much money we spend.
Moody’s gives boost to province’s credit rating
When Moody's upgraded Nova Scotia's credit rating, the Chronicle-Herald turned to AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley to explain what the upgrade actually means. He pointed out that while it shows there is some improvement, it doesn't mean the province's financnes are being well-managed from the point of view of taxpayers.
Any national drug plan must cover chronic illnesses
In this article that appeared in the Toronto Star, Brian Ferguson takes a look at a national pharmacare program and how to pay for it. It's a plan that could be used for more than just pharmaceuticals, if, as he suggests, Canadians acknowledge that while the government may pay the bills for health care, it uses our money to do so.
AIMS suggests new approach to non-renewable resources
This article in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal provides details of the third installment in AIMS' Special Commentary Series on Equalization. The 100 Percent Solution suggests the Equalization formula should be changed to reflect the fact that non-renewable resource revenue is a asset, not a general revenue.
B.C. premier wants nat’l tax cuts
When BC Premier Gordon Campbell suggested at the recent Premier's meeting to address the fiscal imbalance by relieving the tax burden, the Telegraph-Journal reporter covering the meeting knew exactly where to go for insightful comment. Fiscal imbalance is a topic AIMS has researched extensively.
The Beacon, 27 July 2006
AIMS' Special Commentary Series on Equalization wins over opinion leaders across the country, NS Premier Rodney MacDonald is told to follow the advice of AIMS, and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development uses AIMS' research in its latest Economic Survey of Canada.
The 100 Percent Solution
This third installment in AIMS' Special Commentary Series on Equalization provides a fresh approach on the treatment of non-renewable resource revenues under Equalization.
The 100 Percent Solution
The East proposes & the West endorses fresh approach to non-renewable resource revenues under Equalization
Halifax Port to be ‘back door to Asia’
A new report from the Asian-Pacific Foundation of Canada says Halifax is "set to become Canada's back door to Asia." The conclusion mirrors research published by the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies. This article in The National Post explains how congestion on the west coast will help traffic on the east.
In the catbird’s seat: Manitoba sitting pretty in equalization sweepstakes
AIMS Special Equalization Series has gained attention across the country, including in this column in the Winnipeg Free-Press. The author provides some advice for Premier Gary Doer, but also points out some of the excesses of equalization as highlighted in the AIMS series.