The Jones Act under NAFTA
In this Research Paper, Dr. Mary Brooks looks at Canada's shipbuilding industry and the damage done to the shipping industry by outdated cabotage legislation in the US and Canada.
Consultant applauds LNG co-operation
In the ongoing LNG debate in Atlantic Canada, one of the most quoted works is AIMS' paper, "Casting a cold eye on LNG: The real possibilities and pitfall for Atlantic Canada". Author Angela Tu-Weissenberger talks about the need for cooperation among the provinces. It's a message she is bringing directly to Saint John as the guest speaker at a city reception this week.
U.S. border plan likely on hold
It's been an ongoing debate since 9-11, and a major concern to supporters of Atlantica. However, as reported in this Globe and Mail story, it now looks as though implementation of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative will be delayed.
Trade action plan sought: Group aims to examine Atlantica concept
Mayors from around Atlantic Canada have endorsed the Atlantica concept, and have vowed to work on a plan to make it happen.
Radical chic meets monopoly power
AIMS looks at the public sector trade union movement in Canada, and points out a change is going to have to come.
Want efficient trade? Support cross border and transportation corridors
The time has come to drag Atlantic Canada back to shore. That's according to Globe and Mail columnist Neil Reynolds who says it's time to support AIMS' concept of Atlantica and that includes better cross border and transportation corridors.
Open Letter to Halifax Regional School Board
AIMS is giving the Halifax Regional School Board (HRSB) one more chance to do the right thing. While school boards around the province have complied with a ruling earlier this year to provide information to AIMS and the public, the HRSB continues to do battle. In an effort to keep the fight out of the courts, AIMS has made one last appeal to the board superintendent.
Job market’s changing; can government adapt?
AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley's remarks to the closed door meeting of Canada's deputy ministers prompted this column by Brian Flemming in The Daily News. Flemming concludes that he hopes the Deputy Ministers were listening to what AIMS had to say and will follow through.
If many hands make light work, get ready for some very heavy lifting
AIMS provides insight to federal deputy ministers on Canada's pending labour shortage.
Creative Cities . . . the latest urban economic fad
AIMS Senior Fellow in Urban Policy questions a recent study that claims creative cities encourage growth. He suggests instead tax cuts and education are a better option.