AIMS founding president on loan to Ottawa:
Cirtwill named Acting President
Atlantica concept slowly gaining momentum
The Atlantica concept is more than just an idea, this article in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal explains the idea is gaining support and action.
Edmonton Public Schools official sparks ideas on how to improve education system
The headline said it all - "Local education officials say McBeath has given them valuable ideas to try to implement in area schools." Read more about Angus McBeath's visit to Fredericton, New Brunswick.
The Beacon, 2 November 2006
From the fishery - to education - to pharmacare policy, this edition of The Beacon examines public policy for a number of issues.
Brian Lee Crowley speaks out on the insanity of disincentives in a short-staffed environment
When Atlantic Business Magazine launched an on-line discussion forum, it asked AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley to be the first expert. Editor Dawn Chafe said Crowley's ability to generate discussion on important issue seemed the natural choice to launch this open forum on public policy.
Saving Our Public Schools
AIMS Fellow in Public Education, Angus McBeath, delivered a presentation entitled, “Saving Our Public Schools.”
Help Wanted:
AIMS Senior Policy Analyst Stephen Kymlicka discusses the labour shortage issue
The Beacon, 16 October 2006 – Special Event
The Special Event Beacon provides details for two Breakfast Briefings with AIMS Fellow on Public Education Reform Angus McBeath.
Voters approve Panama Canal Expansion
The Panama Canal is getting ready for the mega-ships. Voters in a Panama referendum supported a plan to modernize the Canal over the next ten years so it can handle the new post-Panamax container ships. One of the advantages of Atlantica is the ability of the Port of Halifax to handle the mega-ships that can not now use the Panama Canal on a voyage from Asia to the Northeast cost of North America.
Ideas Matter 5
The fifth edition of Ideas Matter takes a look at AIMS' extensive work in the fishing and aquaculture industries. Ten years after publishing "Taking Ownership", AIMS suggests the answer to the question of whether it matters who owns our fish is just as important as ever.