Atlantica groups square off – AIMS, policy centre disagree on values of proposal
AIMS Acting President Charles Cirtwill provided comments on a recent study criticizing the Atlantica concept. In this article from the Chronicle Herald he explains why the study's conclusions amount to nothing more than a lucid portrayal of misconceptions on Atlantica.
Atlantica proponents dismiss study’s conclusions
AIMS Acting President Charles Cirtwill provided comments on a recent study criticizing the Atlantica concept. In this article from the Telegraph Journal he explains why a recent study's conclusions read more like a jaded teen's critique of homework than a useful contribution to debate.
Labour shortage is good news for the poor – institute exec
This article from the Daily Gleaner covers the presentation made by AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill to the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. He explains that the labour shortage is a poor worker's best friend. Cirtwill says transition is happening and the best that governments can do is step out of the way and resist the urge to help so much.
Atlantica critiques get a dose of fact
AIMS acting president was called upon to give Atlantica doubters the facts on the opportunities to arise from its various projects.
Self-interest or Self-importance
Canada’s involvement in Afghanistan is a reaction to the global events shaping the post-Cold War international environment. In this Commentary, AIMS Security and Defence Policy Intern Alex Wilner suggests that important lessons, for both terrorist organisations and the governments combating them, are being borne out by the conflict. Faltering in Afghanistan is not an option.
The Beacon, 14 February 2007
Learn the three Cs of municipal government, hear the three reasons why Canada should be in Afghanistan and examine whether some family businesses are more equal than others.
Corridors of the Future
A key piece of Atlantica Infrastructure, the I-95 corridor, has been short-listed by the United States Department of Transportation for its Corridors of the Future program.
Some inconvenient facts on equalization
AIMS author Ken Boessenkool contributed this op/ed to the Globe and Mail on equalization. He makes the case for including half of resource revenues in equalization calculations.
Board saga opportunity for a lesson in democracy
In this op/ed Charles Cirtwill, AIMS acting President, discusses the recent removal of elected members of the Halifax Regional School Board. He suggests that the court is not the place to play the democracy card. If the former board members really believe they have been treated unfairly, they should resign forcing an election.
Cities can provide for themselves
This interview called on AIMS acting president Charles Cirtwill to explain the flaws in a report on Canadian cities and their financial needs.