Saving time and money
Port Authority President and CEO Karen Oldfield recently addressed Ontario business leaders at the Empire Club in Toronto with the message that Halifax is the logical choice for goods transitioning through from Asia.
Trading our way to prosperity
This article from Telegraph Journal reporter David Shipley explores the advantages of Atlantica for the region and speaks with Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Council CEO Bill Denyar on the organization’s Atlantica Conference to be held in Halifax June 13 – 16, 2007.
Suez Canal plan could benefit Port of Halifax strategy
This article from the Chronicle Herald reports on the latest initiatives of the Suez Canal Authority and why they are good news for the Port of Halifax.
Don’t overprescribe for catastrophic drugs
Appearing in various sources this article shows why a national pharmacare plan is not a realistic way to solve the catastrophic prescription drug coverage gap that affects only Atlantic Canada
Stealing home, and moving it west
This Chronicle Herald column by Jim Meek cites an innovative AIMS idea for keeping skilled workers in Atlantic Canada and the economic value therein. He also notes that AIMS is one of the few organizations contributing to this discussion in a constructive manner.
Hysteria over Atlantica
A recent critique of Atlantica draws some sharp criticism in this column taken from the Moncton Times and Transcript. Author Alec Bruce suggests that there needs to be less finger pointing and more realistic discussion on what the concept offers Atlantic Canadians.
Conflicting poverty fixes
This article from the Ottawa Bureau of the Chronicle Herald discusses comments by AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill to the Senate Committee on rural poverty showing the way to rural prosperity.
Agency to boost number of NBers
Where’s the beef? AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill explains in this article from the Telegraph Journal why New Brunswick’s Population Secretariat is “all sizzle and no steak”.
Let’s Give India Some Respect
In this article that appeared in the Globe and Mail, AIMS Senior Policy Analyst Stephen Kymlicka shows why the cursory consideration given to Canada’s trade with India by most analysts is remarkably short-sighted. He points out that we need to get on board with trade to India or we will end up watching yet another ship of opportunity sail away without us.
New Brunswick trying to stop population drop – But effort already under fire
In this article from The Canadian Press, AIMS Acting President, Charles Cirtwill provides insight on New Brunswick’s Population Growth Secretariat. He says lowering taxes is a more realistic approach to attract skilled workers than the smoke and mirror efforts of “a shiny brochure”.