Population standstill
The Chronicle Herald called AIMS Acting President Charles Cirtwill to analyze the 2006 census results for Nova Scotia and provide direction to reverse the trend of stagnating population growth. Cirtwill pointed out that immigration alone will not be the solution because many immigrants leave the province for better opportunities, more effective services and lower taxes.
No need for any increase at all
This article from the Telegraph Journal, calls upon the expert analysis of AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro to decipher some of the messages that can be taken from the 2007 New Brunswick budget. Munro indicates that raising personal income taxes works against the governments stated goal of population growth.
Premier blows his chance at self-sufficiency
Ian Munro, AIMS Director of Research shows how New Brunswick’s latest provincial budget is leading New Brunswickers more down the garden path then on the road to self-sufficiency in this op/ed from the Times and Transcript. He points out that New Brunswick’s economy will see an end to its recent good performance if it goes through with the tax increases proposed in the budget.
Small businesses face $35M tax hit as rate rises to 5%
Ian Munro, AIMS Director of Research, was asked to be on hand as the New Brunswick government unveiled its budget for 2007/08. This article from the front page of the Telegraph Journal’s business section includes analysis from Munro on proposed tax increases. He indicates that the business tax measures could have been avoided had the government been more serious about cutting expenditures.
N.B. birthrate down again
This front page article from the Times and Transcript draws on AIMS’ analysis of 2006 census data to clarify the picture for the province of New Brunswick. Acting President Charles Cirtwill gives public policy solutions that could help population growth.
Opportunities Lost
Over the years, AIMS has provided informed comment on provincial and federal budgets. The budget season of 2007 was no different, starting with New Brunswick, moving to Ottawa and then back to Atlantic Canada.
New Brunswick finance minister promises balanced provincial budget
This article from the Canadian Press focuses on comments from AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro. As the New Brunswick government prepares to unveil its first budget since being elected he offers some recommendations to ensure its success.
Mayor fears job cuts coming
This front page Daily Gleaner article highlights advice to the New Brunswick government from AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro as it prepares to unveil its first budget.
Little ‘wiggle room’ in N.B. budget
This front page article from the Moncton Times and Transcript features comments from AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro on the New Brunswick provincial budget. Munro offers advice on how to ensure growth and get the province on the road to self sufficiency.
Tough budget to strike balance
This Telegraph Journal article on the New Brunswick provincial budget features comments from AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro. He recommends the Graham government build on some of the positive elements of its predecessor.