Atlantica a matter of survival
Atlantica would help small businesses for whom increasing regional synergies are crucial to growth and expansion. This article from the Halifax Daily News highlights AIMS’ research on Atlantica noting that there are many areas where working together will generate economic growth for the betterment of the region.
Poor provinces getting too much from equalization
This article in the New Brunswick Telegraph Journal features the latest in AIMS' Special Commentary Series on Equalization. Commentary author and AIMS senior policy analyst Bobby O’Keefe explains that any equalization formula should consider the actual cost of providing public services in each province.
Everybody Wins
The benefits derived from the Port of Halifax are spread much further a field than other container ports. That’s the finding of this paper, the second in the Atlantica Ports Series.
All for one and one for all:
The economics of clustering and what it means for all Atlantica ports.
Cap on equalization payments is what’s created all the fuss
AIMS was asked by the Globe and Mail to explain the intricacies of equalization and cut through the static clouding debate over the new formula and the Atlantic Accord. As senior policy analyst Bobby O’Keefe points out in this resulting article that it's all about the cap.
Equalization uncovered
AIMS’ expertise on equalization was requested for this radio interview with 770 am Calgary. AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill provides analysis on the equalization debate surrounding the revised formula and the Atlantic Accords.
Ex-adviser: Ontario getting ripped off
Equalization receiving provinces have more money to put towards public services than some provinces not receiving equalization transfers and the system is not sustainable that way. An AIMS’ policy briefing on equalization is the subject of this article in the Halifax Chronicle Herald. AIMS invited national equalization expert David MacKinnon to share his research on equalization with Atlantic Canadian business, political and community leaders.
Changes will cost N.B. billions: report
Provinces must stop focusing solely on equalization and start looking to federal transfers that actually help them grow their economies as well as provide better services. In this front page article from the Times and Transcript, AIMS provides another perspective to those demanding more federal dollars.
Go global and stay home
Sustainable rural communities need sustainable businesses, not government handouts. AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill was asked to provide his take on rural growth in this special feature to the Halifax Chronicle-Herald.
Is the federation rebalanced? Not even close
This Commentary, Still More Equal than Others: Capped equalization still too much, examines how Ottawa overpays equalization receiving provinces.