New deal for equalization will cost us, analyst says
Equalization is about ensuring Canadians across the country receive comparable public services. This front-page article from the Daily Gleaner highlights what AIMS research repeatedly points out - the cost of providing services should be reflected in equalization.
Demographics threaten Atlantic Canada
AIMS cutting edge research on demographic trends and implications of the Atlantic Canadian labour shortage is featured in this Globe and Mail article. AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro points out that as the workforce shrinks the region will struggle to have an adequate tax base to provide the necessary public services.
Case made at Halifax trade bloc conference for improved regional transportation links
In the midst of the 2007 Atlantica conference, journalist David Shipley of the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal stay focused on the concept and not the controversy. This story explains the transportation needs of the region.
Trade barriers like sour grapes to tourism industry
Once again we do it to ourselves. This article in the Halifax Daily News explains how inter-provincial trade rules restrict growth of local business.
Eimskip announces feeder service between Halifax and New England
You can get there from here! Iceland-based transportation and investment company Eimskip supports short-sea shipping through a new feeder service that includes Portland, Maine in addition to Boston and Portsmouth.
Atlantica: conspiracy or ideal opportunity?
The only thing alarming about Atlantica is the alternative if the region misses out on the opportunity, says Halifax Daily News columnist David Rodenhiser. This column provides some balance to the erupting Atlantica debate.
Ottawa supports Atlantica Council
Atlantica is gaining momentum and has backing in Ottawa. This article from the Chronicle Herald explains that ACOA money will go to fund the Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce’s Atlantica Council.
Debate over Atlantica shifts indoors, as think-tanks clash
AIMS’ research and policy analysis on Atlantica made headlines and moved opinions at the Atlantica 2007 conference. This article from The Canadian Press covers AIMS participation at the conference explaining that Atlantica is about Canada and the US working together to enhance regional development.
New accord broken in Nova Scotia’s favour
Equalization receiving provinces are not getting their fair share; they are getting far too much. In this article from the Halifax Daily News highlights AIMS’ Special Commentary Series on Equalization. Senior policy analyst Bobby O’Keefe points out that the new equalization formula would be more effective if it accounted for the cost of providing services in the various provinces.
Atlantica protest turnout low
Atlantica will bring many benefits to the region and appears to have popular support. This article from the Halifax Daily News notes that the number of Atlantica supporters at the conference was far greater than the number of opponents.