HST was a boon for business, study finds
This article examines the HST ten years later. A study shows it was a boon for business. AIMS acting president Charles Cirtwill explains that it also shows how tweaking the tax system can have substantial benefits to the economy.
And Now for Some Good News on Afghanistan
This op/ed written by AIMS Intern in Defence and Security Policy says there are successes in Afghanistan; Canadians just aren't being told about them. Alex Wilner suggests Canadian troops are having a bigger impact than is being reported.
Reaching Out – Building Up:
A 25 per cent growth strategy for the Port of Halifax
Reaching Out
The Port of Halifax could see a 25 per cent increase in traffic with a more targeted transload strategy, which is about 132,000 more TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) per year, or roughly 66,000 more containers. In this third paper of the AIMS Atlantica Ports Series, authors Jim Frost and Stephen Kymlicka examine what needs to be done to grow port traffic by increasing transload facilities.
Imagine, We Want Modern Drugs and Equipment
In this look from the inside, AIMS Fellow on Health Care Policy David Zitner points out not all Nova Scotians have equal access to modern equipment or expensive care. He suggests government needs to re-examine its role as insurer and accept that as the insurer it should pay for necessary but expensive care, even if it means that some people would have to pay for services they can afford.
Taking the Road to Self-Sufficiency
There can be no half measures. Guest Commentary from New Brunswick business leader on the provincial government's self-sufficiency plan.
Our future: Grey and gloomy
A decade ago AIMS warned of pending problems caused by Atlantic Canada's ageing and declining population. Now the latest Statistic Canada report supports AIMS original research. The Halifax Chronicle-Herald turned to AIMS to review some of the public policy options for a populat turning grey.
NB Population woes call for new strategies
For a decade, AIMS has warned of a pending labour shortage in Atlantic Canada caused by a declining and ageing population. The latest Statistics Canada report supports the AIMS' research, and other institutes are following suit. In this news article, AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro explains what needs to be done.
Be responsible for yourself
In his regular fortnightly column, AIMS acting president Charles Cirtwill takes a look at shared responsibility. He suggests liberal democracies and liberal democratic public policy work only if there is shared responsibility – the state to provide what help it can, the citizens to use that help to help themselves.
Preparing for the labour shortage
Here in the East we continue to deal with low wages, less than ideal working conditions and pockets of unemployment in the midst of a booming economy. However, if one listens to the experts they will quickly learn that the labour shortage is already here, and it is bound to get worse.