Saint John not the only city that may contemplate a break for property owners
With property values rising, so too does the tax collected by municipalities. In New Brunswick, some local governments are considering cutting the tax rate. AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro says such discussions are an indication that people understand how property taxes work.
Mr. Sheridan’s first budget
As the new PEI government prepares to release its first budget, AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro has a few words of advice. In this op/ed that appeared in The Guardian, Munro goes through some of the actions needed to make a good first impression.
The potential of private sector health care in Canada
The latest background paper from the Canadian Health Care Consensus Group suggests fixing our health care system woes requires more flexibility and an examination of more options.
Be flexible, explore the options:
The potential of private sector health care in Canada
Halifax forum to address transport issues, Gateway
Transportation expert and AIMS author Dr. Mary Brooks notes that there are a lot of issues that need solutions before the Atlantic Gateway can succeed.
N.B. could benefit from offshore deal – pundit
Now that Nova Scotia has made peace with the federal government over the Atlantic Accord some pundits are calling for other provinces to negotiate their own deals. However, Charles Cirtwill, AIMS acting president, notes that the federal government was obliged to honour a previous agreement and that provinces without that deal have little leverage.
Opening the gateway
In this Chronicle Herald editorial, AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill's comments that government should be cautious about funding private projects including business related to the Atlantic Gateway.
Think-tank head warns of Gateway cash free-for-all
AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill warns that the federal Atlantic Gateway fund may result in Atlantic provinces battling for handouts instead of co-operating to strengthen the region.
If we don’t matter in Ottawa, it’s OUR fault
In his fortnightly column, AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill takes on the naysayers, who constantly decry the past injustices they perceive the region has suffered from Ottawa. He says by constantly bemoaning the past, we miss the opportunities of today and tomorrow. Instead, we should be looking to improve ourselves and increase our power so that the voice of Atlantic Canada means more on Parliament Hill.
Powering the Gateway
Though New Brunswick certainly stands to benefit from the Atlantic gateway, AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill explains in this newspaper article that Halifax will be the primary beneficiary of the project.