The best way to predict the future is to invent it!
AIMS board member Dianne Kelderman examines the need for an increased level of innovation in the Canadian health care system.
Re-Evaluating Health Care
AIMS Fellow in Health Care Policy, David Zitner, looks at the way we measure health care in Canada. Too often we focus entirely on the costs without looking at the outcomes.
The Co-op Experiment
AIMS Fellow in Health Care Economics, Brian Ferguson, examines the ability of consumer health co-ops to address local needs within a system that often overlooks them.
A Third Way Forward
Rural (and urban) communities are seeing a decline in health care service. In an article for Making Waves magazine AIMS Fellow in Health Care Policy, David Zitner, and AIMS Board member, Dianne Kelderman examine how introducing some private health care can help solve this problem.
The Beacon, 8 November 2007
This edition of The Beacon has extensive coverage of health care, education and the federal government's $60B tax cut.
Soaring loonie creates winners and losers
The Moncton Times & Transcript called on AIMS for comment on the high-flying loonie. Ian Munro, Director of Research, pointed out that a rising Canadian dollar does present challenges for exporters, but also makes Canadian consumers richer and provides a golden opportunity for Canadian firms to invest in capital and boost productivity for the long term.
AIMS responds to pro-Halifax criticism
In this letter to the editor AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill explains why government shouldn't throw its money at ill-conceived projects, instead it should create a business friendly environment for the private sector to take the risk.
Public and private: Lessons from the other side
Nova Scotia has been actively engaged in public-private partnerships (P3s) for a number of years now. While some of the projects have functioned smoothly with little public opposition, others have generated controversy. Charles Cirtwill, AIMS acting president, notes that even P3s that elicited a public outcry managed to accomplish things that the govenrnment wouldn't have been able to do alone.
Should we SAC the School Boards?
In asking for some big new ideas, the Premier of Nova Scotia laid down a challenge to a gathering of education stakeholders – incremental changes are not enough. In his fortnightly column AIMS acting president Charles Cirtwill took up that challenge in spades. He proposes not only doing away with school boards but combining that move with a shift to true site based management at the school level. Making schools responsible for student performance and making the department responsible for supporting, not running, schools.
Whose education is this anyway? Why the “public” in “public education” should mean the children, not the system.
AIMS points out that expanding Tuition Support, not getting rid of it, is in the best interest of students and the province of Nova Scotia.