Declining enrolment and revenue figures at UNB will affect all local universities: experts
In this front page story in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, AIMS acting president Charles Cirtwill explains that universities in the region need to make changes if they are to survive the demographic shift.
Time is now to weigh priorities
Ottawa Sun Columnist Walter Robinson recommends a recent AIMS Commentary by Patrick Luciani be mandatory reading for city councillors.
North – south ties
The economic integration of North America is the topic of this opinion piece by Globe & Mail columnist Neil Reynolds. The foundation of his argument is the work conducted by the chair of AIMS' Board of Research Advisors, Robin Neill.
Protect border-hopping moose outside N.S., too, coalition says
It would appear it's not just transportation, trade & trucks that could use Atlantica for help. This story about moose shows the need for cooperation within Atlantica to protect wildlife.
N.L. plans 2008 campaign to lure residents back home
IN this article in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, AIMS acting Director of Research Ian Munro weighs in on a plan by Newfoundland and Labraodr to lure former residents 'back home".
The Beacon, 21 December 2007
Holiday greetings from AIMS.
Think-tank warns Atlantic region will be Third World unless population grows
A Commentary by AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro struck a chord with reporters in the region. His examination of the population crisis and existing public policy concluded drastic changes are needed now to address the crisis.
Crunch Time:
Population change will challenge Atlantic Canada’s future
Crunch Time: Population change will challenge Atlantic Canada’s future
AIMS takes a look at the looming demographic crisis in Atlantic Canada, and suggests drastic changes are needed in public policy to adapt.
Key EU health care report delayed
A blueprint for health care across the European Union is expected to call for an end to unjustified obstacles for patients who go abroad for treatment. The European Commission will propose that any EU citizen should be entitled to care elsewhere, if the treatment is allowed in their own state. The commission's proposals follow court rulings that patients should be reimbursed for care at home or abroad.