Construction to begin in summer for Guysborough County container port
When Melford International Terminals announced plans to begin construction this summer of a new container port in Guysborough County, CBC Radio turned to AIMS acting president Charles Cirtwill for comment. He explained there is room for a second container terminal, as long as it is 100% privately funded.
Using Incoterms to make your products more competitive overseas
This article by Chris Johnston, president of World Trade Center Buffalo Niagara, provides tips to companies doing business across borders.
The Port of Halifax retains Paul DuVoisin as a commerical director in the U.S.
The Port of Halifax appoints a commercial director to work on its behalf in the key American markets of Chicago, Buffalo, New York and New England.
Trade Corridors Roundtable – Tradescapes
In September 2007 the Work Research Foundation brought together leaders from business, trade association and policy institutes for a Trade Corridors Roundtable. This is the report from that influential gathering.
Fiscal policy experts cool to forestry execs’ proposals
New Brunswick's forest industry is having troubles. Soft markets, the high dollar and rising energy prices are hurting the sector across the country. NB industry executives want help from the government, but when asked by the news media, AIMS explained such government hand outs are not a help.
The Beacon, 30 January 2008
The first Beacon of 2008 provides a look at Atlantic Canada's population crunch, brings you an historic look at Atlantica through the eyes of a Globe and Mail columnist, and salutes AIMS as one of the top think tanks in the world.
Healing the system
In this follow up story to a series on public health care funding, reporter David Shipley asks AIMS how the government can save money in health care. Acting president Charles Cirtwill explains that government needs to spend money on research into what's happening inside the system, before it can fix the problems with the public health care system.
Health research ‘key to reform’
This CP story picked up from the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal explains that governments need to spend money on research to understand the health care system, before it can save money on fixing it.
Ensuring money goes where it’s needed
In this front page story in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, reporter David Shipley examines patient-focused funding for public health care. He turned to AIMS Fellow in Health Care Economics Brian Ferguson for expert analysis.
Community college grads have no trouble finding jobs — survey
Keeping track of their graduates is paying off for community colleges in New Brunswick. AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill explains that high employment rates among graduates shows that the colleges are meeting the needs of the market.