Food cost warning issued as oil prices keep rising
While the trucking association says Atlantic Canadians should get ready to pay a lot more for everything because of high fuel costs, AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro points out rising oil prices may provide another opportunity. He says it could prompt more transload facilities in the region.
Proponent of Atlantica urges business to make it happen
One of the strongest voices for Atlantica says it's time for business to take action. In an address to the Moncton Rotary Club, Neville Gilfoy said everything is in place for success, it's up to business to make it happen.
New Brunswick leads regional job growth
Employment: Growth in retail, wholesale position has nearly 60% of NBers working. AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill says it's time for the government to recognize this trend and adjust its taxation policies accordingly.
Wanted: more high-end jobs
This editorial posted to CanadaEast online draws on comments from AIMS acting president Charles Cirtwill to make its point.
The LNG Window of Opportunity: Opened or Closed?
Author Angela Tu Weissenberger examines the evolving global LNG market and the implications for related projects in Atlantica.
Changing with the times
The truths of an evolving LNG market
Province lagging behind national workforce
In this front page story in the Telegraph-Journal, AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill says the latest employment figures should have provincial governments asking themselves whether the tax structures designed for the manufacturing sector, have been amended to reflect the realties of a service based economy.
Education washout
The latest statistics show that 53% of the adult population of New Brunswick has completed some form of post-secondary education. AIMS acting President Charles Cirtwill says in today's world that's evidence there need to be substantive changes in the delivery post-secondary education.
How does your council rate?
This editorial in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal supports AIMS' plan to produce a municipal report card. It points out that such measures are needed to determine which practices produce the best results and whether our tax dollars are well spent.
City wants to meet institute before handing data over
In a follow up to AIMS' announcement of a municipal report card for New Brunswick, officials with the city of Fredericton explained they want to meet with AIMS to discuss the topic before submitting any information.