Area high schools rate near top, bottom
AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools confirms recent international studies that the more we know about our schools the better they are. This article from The Daily Gleaner points out that as New Brunswick cut back on provincial exams and public reporting, student performance suffered.
N.B. education system slammed: Education minister says criticism of English system’s lack of provincial assessments justified; problem to be addressed in upcoming budget
In this front page story in the Times and Transcript, NB Education Minister Kelly Lamrock says AIMS is justified to criticize the lack of provincial testing in anglophone high schools in his province. He says things will change.
P.E.I. schools steady in AIMS study
CBC Radio in Prince Edward Island reported high schools on the island remain steady in AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools. AIMS Executive Vice President pointed out the province's plan to release school by school results of provincial tests in the lower grades is a step forward.
Towards a public school system
Following the release of the AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools, this editorial in The Amherst Daily News echoed the Institute's call for complete public reporting of school by school grades.
AIMS report: High schools are ‘going backwards’
The AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools made news around the region. This story in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal picks up on the Institute's criticism for the lack of standardized testing in anglophone high schools in the province.
Provincial high school ranking inaccurate, says Hurley
Not everyone agrees with the AIMS Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools, but it certainly generates debate on the state of education, as this article proves.
AIMS says N.B., N.S., reluctant to make student performance data public
Within minutes of release of the AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools, the story was on the 'news wire'. The message clear, to know what's going on in our classrooms school by school grades need to be made public by departments of education and school boards.
The Challenges of Managing a Port
Karen Oldfield's, President and CEO of the Halifax Port Authority, Speech on the State of the Port
AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools
Making performance data public on a school by school basis has been proven to improve student performance. The AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools proves that leaders can become laggards by ignoring that proof, and laggards can become leaders by embracing it.
Encouraging Signs from PEI
No testing for high schools, but school level reporting for elementary and middle school assessments a step in the right direction