Health funding changes praised
In this front page story, AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains that New Brunswick's plan to change the way it funds hospitals is a step in the right direction. However, he questions the assertion that 'fee for service' concept won't work for small, rural hospitals.
Critics take aim at Tories
This story is based on the AIMS' annual review of provincial government fiscal performance. For the first time in 2008, AIMS published one national report card.
‘Cookie-cutter schools’ not the answer, expert says
In this follow-up story to AIMS Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian High Schools, the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal takes a look at who to improve education by allowing local flexibility.
This is an Unprecedented Effort to Get Ahead of Growth
The Benefits Blueprint study outlined a potential economic boom to the New Brunswick economy fueled by the energy sector. It highlighted 16 areas for public investment in social and physical infrastructure that would be needed for the province to reap as much benefit as possible.
School standards must be created
The AIMS 6th Annual Report Card on Atlantic Canadian HIgh Schools prompted this supportive letter in the New Brunswick provincial newspaper.
Going for … Honourable Mention?
AIMS Annual Review of Provincial Budgets Awards No Gold Medals
Good Enough for Government Work
Not too hot is how one could rate how well our provincial governments handle the public purse. This annual review of provincial finances finds that some of the richest provinces still get failing grades, while some of the poorest are working hard to stay within budget.
Wind Farm Plans Brewing in Aroostook County
The Atlantica region might not be an oil patch, but as this article in the Bangor Daily News explains the wind could prove to be the region's renewable source of energy.
Report gets failing grade
Educators in PEI remain defensive about the AIMS high school report card, refusing to use the data to assess what is going on in their schools. AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill explains there is a lot teachers and parents can learn if they bother to use the data.
From leaders to laggards in five short years
After the release of AIMS 6th Annual Report Card for Atlatnic Canadian High Schools, the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal published the AIMS news release verbatim as a Commentary on its opinion page.