How Bad Politics and Good Intentions Destroyed the Atlantic Canadian Economy: And What That Tells Us About Canada and the Welfare State
This Commentary explains why lagging economis in Canada aren't catching up to the advanced ones because of the very programmes aimed at giving them a helping hand.
Back of the class
This editorial by Kevin Cox in asks why we can't get teachers out of the classroom who aren't doing their job. It mirrors much of the arguements raised in AIMS' paper titled, "Getting the Fox out of the Schoolhouse".
Port Welcomes a Little Good News
The Port of Halifax is integral to Atlantica as the central port of call for post-Panamax ships with cargo destined for the midwest. After a number of setbacks early in 2008, there was a little good news with this story of a short term service to the Mediterranean and the return to the port of another container service.
International trade and the US presidential elections: Why international trade is good for rustbelt states too
AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley explores free trade.
Moncton group hopes air cargo idea will fly
While investors in Moncton talk about an inland port, AIMS executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill cautions that until container traffic increases, the business plan doesn't make much sense.
Boom will make or break Port City
Reporters called on AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill to make sense of a report on the economic future of Saint John.
Boom Will Make or Break Port City
Boom or gloom scenarios for New Brunswick shed light on the importance of the energy sector to the Atlantica region.
Atlantica’s Regional Sharing Concept promoted to Chamber
Trade policies are a hindrance to Atlantica's potential prosperity. Brent Sansom, vice president of Atlantica for the Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce, stressed at a breakfast meeting in Newfoundland that the region has to position itself better to seize opportunities in global trade networks.
Careful where you spend the money
AIMS Director of Research Ian Munro explains why it is a bad idea for government to pump money into private business. He suggests if they have to spend the money, look at infrastructure.
High Fuel Costs Squeezing Region’s Trucking Industry
Rising fuel costs pose major challenge to business in Atlantica since the region relies heavily on the trucking industry.