Ship at Museum Takes Shape
A new exhibit at the Maine Discovery Museum may have been set up to teach people about the history of Maine and trade, but it's also a lesson in why the Atlantica concept is such an important one to the future of the region.
Calais: Truck Delays Feared Near Crossing
Although a third border crossing in St. Stephen - Calais is under construction and should facilitate increased volumes of traffic in the region, structural problems at the Ferry Point Bridge will reduce the flow of trucks for the summer. This situation highlights the importance of truck traffic in the Atlantica region and the need for infrastructure that will permit the greatest flow of traffic with ease.
Highlights from the Interim Municipal Report Card
AIMS' Interm Municipal Report Card for New Brunswick made headlines around the province. In Saint John, the provincia newspaper published the highlights on its front page.
The Post editorial board on equalization: Canada’s albatross
This editorial in The National Post draws on AIMS depth of research to make the point that equalization is doing more harm to Canada than good.
Not all equalization is created fairly
For more than a decade AIMS has been publishing research that shows Canada's equalization programme is anything but equal. Now as Ontario faces the brink of becoming an equalization receiving province, others are finally understanding. This column in The National Post uses AIMS' research to make its point.
Belledune tops in N.B. development spending
David Shipley of the Telegraph Journal examines the Economic Development results from the New Brunswick Interim Municipal Report Card. AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill indicates that this is the weakest area of municipal reporting and voters should be concerned.
Tax burden heavy in capital
Shawn Berry of the Daily Gleaner reviews Fredericton's results in the New Brunswick Interim Municipal Report Card. AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill points out that it is up to citizens to decide whether they're getting value for their tax dollars.
Metro carries big tax burden
The release of AIMS interim Municipal Report Card for New Brunswick had people checking the data and doing comparisons. This article published by the Times & Transcript takes a look at average tax bills.
City leads in policing costs: report card
This front page story details AIMS Interim Municipal Report Card for New Brunswick with comments from AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill. The paper highlighted that Saint John's residential tax burden is in top third of province's cities, towns and villages
City leads in policing costs: report card
AIMS' interim Municipal Report Card for New Brunswick was featured in this front page story in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. It showed people how to read and use the report card results.