Diesel Prices Prompt Senators to Try to Help Truckers
Much of the trade carried through the Atlantica region goes by truck. In addition to the threat posed by high fuel prices on this industry, there are restrictions forcing trucks carrying more than 80 000 pounds off interstate highways onto smaller roads. Two Maine Senators have proposed a pilot programme that would allow truckers to use federal highways to cut costs when fuel prices are abnormally high. If permitted, these changes could have a much wider impact on the Atlantica region since it would serve to reduce the high costs of land transportation linking the Atlantica region with hinterland markets making the transportation gateway more attractive.
Saving Atlantica and the Atlantic Gateway from the Politicians
AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley writes that an undignified scramble for "free government money" threatens the strategy.
Business Execs Convinced Time is Right for Atlantica
Businesses on both sides of the border have experienced problems as security concerns have caused the US/Canada border to thicken. The Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce meeting in Stanley Bridge over the weekend stressed, however, the importance to businesses in the Atlantica region of finding ways to balance security issues with trade flows.
Making the World Safe for Canada
Canada’s failed state policy is dangerously outdated. AIMS Security and Defence Policy Fellow Alex Wilner weighs in on how Ottawa might better protect Canadians.
Students’ Solutions Aims to Solve State’s Brain Drain
One of the many trends that states and provinces in the Atlantica region share in common is the exodus of its young people who leave seeking opportunities elsewhere; taking their skills with them. New initiatives are currently underway in New Hampshire that target making the state more attractive to retain its young.
New Hampshire and Quebec Push Business Cooperation
A recent meeting between the Quebec and New Hampshire Chambers of Commerce stressed the common North-South ties that bind these regions together in spite of a political border.
The Beacon – 22 May 2008
In this edition of The Beacon, AIMS releases the first step in its new Municipal Report Card project.
AIMS report showing Sackville residents have highest tax burden in N.B.
This report in the Sackville Tribune Post explains why Sackville residents appear to have the highest municipal tax burden in New Brunswick.
Higher sales tax a tough sell with voters, say proponents
Former Liberal New Brunswick Premier Frank McKenna is talking a familiar line for AIMS. In a speech to a Halifax audience, McKenna called for major tax reform including cuts to personal and corporate income taxes, while increasing sales tax. AIMS Executive Vice President Charles Cirtwill says it's the only way for the region to remain competitive.
Natural Gas Distributor Reveals Expansion Plans
More natural gas from offshore Nova Scotia may soon be headed to the Northeastern United States. Maritimes and Northeast Pipelines have announced plans to increase its pipeline capacity to move natural gas from the Deep Panuke project to market in the U.S.