Canada-US Relations in an Age of Superstitions
This Commentary is based on remarks by AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley as the Distinguished Speaker at the 2008 Sumner Bernstein Forum for International Understanding.
Atlantica and the Future of Our Shared Region
In testimony before the Maine Citizens' Trade Committee of the State Legislature, AIMS President Brian Lee Crowley explains what the region gains by embracing Atlantica.
The Beacon – 18 June 2008
Security, accountability and tax reform are all topics covered in this edition of The Beacon.
Trade New Brunswick Companies Seek Opportunities in Growing American Region
The recent inaugural conference of the Southeastern United States -Canada Alliance, shows that the economic relationship linking the Atlantica region to those beyond is growing.
The Geography of Transportation:
Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Department of Economics and Geography at Hofstra University in New York lays bare the challenge facing the Port of Halifax in the very near term.
Shaping our government: Promoting efficiency, accountability and good service in your City Hall.
Based on remarks to Citizens for Halifax, this Commentary provides direction for all municipal governments.
Carlyle-backed LNG Port Wins Permit in N.S.
New liquified natural gas terminal in Nova Scotia that would serve Canadian and US natural gas markets starting in 2011 demonstrates Atlantica's ability to attract international energy investments.
A Powerhouse in the Making
Comments by Frank McKenna stress that success in the Atlantica region will mean finding ways to transport more efficiently. The former New Brunswick Premier says that with the present state of affairs in the global shipping trade, the time has come for the ports along the East Coast to develop a joint strategy rather than going it alone.
McKenna Calls For Regional Port Authority
Former Primier of New Brunswick Frank McKenna outlined several strategies that the Atlantica region should take to successfully seize opportunities in global markets and attract shipping through the Atlantic Gateway.
Sailing Beyond Asia
Al Soppitt, President and CEO of Saint John Port Authority, outlined the port's role in linking North American markets with those in Latin America.